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Most recently answered hj kit questions

I see people riding electric scooters all the time on pavements and on the road, but aren't they illegal? How can people rent electric scooters in London if they can't be used on the road legally?

There is information available stating that if you enable parking mode on the Garmin Mini Dash cam then the units overheat. Can you elaborate, please?

I'm bewildered by the range of dash cams on offer and would be grateful for your advice. I would like a hard wired system with front and rear cameras that will also record whilst parked. My priorities...

There's a lovely big hand print left by a greasy palm on the wing of my wife's car. We think it was a sun lotion and it's properly baked on. I've tried a range of solvents to remove it, without success....

The clear plastic headlamp covers on my Toyota Yaris have become hazy with age. What product should I use on it?

If I fit a dash camera into my car, do I need to inform my insurance company?

I need to arrange a tracker for my company car. I would also like to have a camera at the same time. However the tracker needs to produce reports for work. Any thoughts?

I'm looking for a replacement dash cam with speed indication on the screen. Reviews on the Garmin 56 do not fill me with confidence, do you have any suggestions?

What are the best replacement bulbs that give great light and long service?