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Most recently answered named drivers questions

I’m no longer able to drive after a stroke. Can I insure my car for two named drivers one of which has a car wile the other is named on two other vehicles? My car will only be used occasionally.

I am the owner and registered keeper of a Peugeot 107 that I have not used for over a year as I now have a new car. The Peugeot is in the garage, untaxed, uninsured, has no valid MoT and is SORN by the...

I own two vintage cars, due to advancing age I plan to transfer ownership to my 36 year old son.The cars will be kept on my premises and insured by me as main driver so that I can drive and son as named...

My wife's insurance shows her as the main driver and I am shown as a named driver. Unfortunately she has a back problem that has affected her legs so she has not been driving for some time. Should I be...

I am 92 and I seem to remember that about 70 years ago my father used to insure his car comprehensibly to be driven by 'any driver' When did that option stop?

Is it your understanding that an accident involving a named driver on the policy is also noted against the insured at Claims Underwriting Exchange (CUE) and therefore the accident has to be disclosed by...

If my partner who's a named driver on my car needed to drive very occasionally to work as a locum at different locations should we inform the insurance company?
This doesn't sound like commuting so what...

I am currently the policyholder and main driver for our car. My wife is the named driver. I/we have more than 10 years no claims bonus.
If my wife becomes the main driver will that affect the NCB? I'm...

I'm thinking of changing my insurance policy by taking my wife off the policy as a named driver as it will be cheaper. If I let her drive the car with my permission, is that legal insurance wise, and if...

My wife and I have our own cars, but now we are retired we are thinking of gong down to just one car. If we use my car my wife is on my insurance so how can she retain her no claims bonus?