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Most recently answered councils questions
My neighbour has a very large unroadworthy van parked right next to our access road. No fence is between the properties and the van now has four flat tyres, and is rusting and leaking fluid. As this thing...
I live in a council house in West Yorkshire and have been given permission to make a footpath to my house, as the one that is there now is not wide enough for a twin buggy. We don't have a car or a driveway...
We have just been sent a "Consultation" document regarding the proposed traffic calming measures for an area of about three quarters of a square mile round my house. This is absolutely appalling, a sledgehammer...
Two years ago I gave up my car as, at 81, I felt I was getting dangerous because of my two gammy feet. I feel that a mobility scooter is sufficient for me. But Nottingham City Council have taken a dislike...
Regarding the e-mail you published from preformed bump manufacturer, is there a published drawing or dimensions for motorists to check them to see if they are legal? I presume that if they are outside...
I've recently suffered a break-down with my car, which I can only attribute to speed-bumps. So far it's proven to be a costly exercise, having been left stranded with broken springs with the front suspension...
On 18 July, M.P. from Loughborough took you to task over speedbumps stating "these provisions are often introduced after pressure from residents"! To quote Jim Royle, "My A****"!! In Liverpool the installing...
Approximately 18 months ago Transport for London paid for a 20mph speed zone with speed humps/cushions to be set up in the Marshalls Park area of the London Borough of Havering. This system is supposed...
Councils either make it too time consuming and difficult to appeal a parking ticket, so that it is easier just to pay up, or frighten you into thinking the penalty will get much larger if you don't pay....
In view of the number of suggestions appearing in the press that older drivers should be banned, or made to take a further test, you may be interested to know that Hampshire County Council runs a very...