Ask Honest John

Most recently answered accidents questions
My husband was involved in a minor accident on a roundabout while following the designated lane for his route. In a collision from his near side by a young driver with minor damage being dent to his front...
A car hit me from behind. My bumper was crushed inwards and i could not open my boot. Her insurance company phoned saying that she had admitted all liability. They sent around an assessor who, at my house,...
I have received a text from (447902381850) stating that I can claim for an accident that I have not had - I did not get in touch, so I know no more about it. What should I do?
I was involved in an accident in August where someone went into the back of my car. The other driver admitted it was his fault and the claim was entirely settled through his insurance. However, I came...
Two cars had had a collision outside my home. I got their numbers. Unfortunately, an unattended parked car also had its near-side front wing damaged in the collision. I attached a note to its windscreen...
I was recently hit from behind while stationary. At the time I was towing a trailer which was badly damaged. The accident also damaged the tow bar of my van. I contacted my insurance company who where...
I recently I hired a Transit and damaged the nearside when I hit a post. The hire company said it would get two estimates for the damage or I could get the van repaired myself if I was able to get a more...
My wife just took a phone call from someone asking about an accident in my Honda Jazz. I have not had an accident in the Jazz or my last car, which I owned for over 10 years. The man said he obtained the...
I would like to add to the email from RFN and say that my experience with LV has, so far, been a good one too. I was caught out last year in the bad weather - at only 10mph - and sedately slid into a wall,...
You printed a letter form PF of Purley who informed us of the video loop camera he installed (an SVS 100 GPS). Your readers may like to know of an iPhone app called iCarBlackBox that costs £0.69p. With...