My car has been written off but I want to get it repaired - where do I stand?
My car was damaged by another driver and they have admitted fault. I have been to the garage and they advise that the car is likely to be written off because of the cost of the repair (it is likely category N). I do not want to have the car written off because it will be costly to get another car. What is the best way to try and retain and repair the car at the cost of the insurance? Should I go through Accident Management Company, claim directly against their insurance or another approach?
Asked on 2 October 2023 by Nikin Patel
Answered by
Craig Cheetham
First and foremost, if you want to retain your car then do not under any circumstances let the insurance company or their representative take it away. Even if you make a claim against their insurer, you have a right to retain the salvage and should ask for this to be considered as part of your settlement. As your car is likely to be Cat N (which means the damage is non-structural) there is no reason why it can't be repaired safely, but the marker will remain with the car for life and it will be worth less than an uncategorised car.
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