Landrover freelander - total loss non fault accident - shouldntdrive


Need help understanding whats gone on. I had a non fault accident 20/12/2011. I was travelling along a dual carriageway when a van drove straight out across two lanes of traffic, being too close to do anything about it I ploughed into the side/rear quarter of the van. The van driver went off to hospital but I refused as I didn't want anything to happen in my absence ( I later found out I had a broken sternum and collar bone).

The police took all details and when my car was recovered I left the scene and went to the hospital. At the scene no liability was admitted. That evening I rang my insurer Admiral who put into action the contact between themselves and third party insurer (third party vehicle was a company vehicle). As Admiral had no proof of liability I was not offered a replacement vehicle while mine was assessed.

27/12/2011 I received a phone call from the attending police officer explaining he had completed his investigation absolving me of any blame and that he had spoken to the third party driver who admitted liability. I rang Admiral to inform them and to arrange a replacement vehicle but was told I had to get proof of the police investigation myself, which obviously, I cannot get.

6/01/12 I received a phone call from admiral saying my car was a total loss and they would offer me £1000. I disagreed with this and they upped it to £1500. This was still below what I wanted but I needed a replacement vehicle for work. However when this figure came down to it deducted from it were £350 excess £350 remaining on my policy and I received two seperate cheques one totalling £300 another £500 and was put in touch with Albany Assistance to recover my excess. This took albany a further 7 weeks. In the meantime I had no car to get to work and was "let go".

So all in all I've had £1150 for a freelander which I paid much more for spent a lot to get all brakes replaced, head gasket, it had 12 months MOT my stereo worth £200 mats worth £70 etc all of which were gone and crushed before I even knew the car had gone from the storage yard where it was initially held. My understanding was I was to be put in the position I was in before the accident, which as you can tell hasn't happened.

It's now approaching 9 months later and I have opened a personal injury claim owing to my broken bones, loss of earnings etc which has been running since February and the third party insurer has thus far refused to acknowledge this. Failing to respond to a pre action disclosure, refusing to respond to any attempts at a dialogue etc. I'm approaching my limits. I'm a fairly easy going person but this is getting ridiculous.

I have not yet replaced my car as I haven't been put in a position to replace like for like. I suppose what I'm getting at is A) am I entitled to adequate compensation for all of the failings of both my insurer and the third party insurer including not having a replacement vehicle and B) Can I instruct my solicitor to go ahead and just apply for court intervention (whihch he is reluctant to do).

Thanks for any help anyone can offer. I'm starting to think I was never meant to drive.

(Edit: some paragraphs inserted. I sympathise with your misfortune but do have a care for people who are going to read this and out of the kindness of their hearts advise you. With no paragraphs at all, as you wrote it, people lose the thread, and probably the will to live.)

Edited by Avant on 19/09/2012 at 01:40

Landrover freelander - total loss non fault accident - Cris_on_the_gas

The basis of all this is that the other driver or in this case his employer if found neligent is obliged to put you in the same situation as you were in prior to the collision. you can also claim for personal injury and loss of earnings. you however must ensure that your costs are reasonable and you must mitigate these losses as much as possible.

Seems like you have got your Insurer to act on your behalf.

In direct answer to your question

A) No your claim is against the owner of the vehicle as the driver was in their employment. the third party Insurance company will indemnify this loss on their behalf

B) Your solicitor can act on your behalf directly with the third party or their Insurance company to put you financially in the same position you were in pre collision and pursue personal injury compensation. If your solicitor is not willing to do this as you have stated he is reluctant I would question his professionalism.

You said that you cannot get a copy of the Police report, why ?. These are available after any investigation is complete. if the other driver is prosecuted for "driving without due care" then that will help your case. however you will not get the report until after the case has been heard.

If the third party Insurer is not responding, perhaps they would respond to a court summons ? Either do this your self or get a solicitor to do it.

Landrover freelander - total loss non fault accident - Avant

Many thanks Cris for tackling that post in its original unparagraphed form!

Landrover freelander - total loss non fault accident - shouldntdrive

Many thanks, sorry about just unloading it all in one big lump.

My solicitor keeps telling me he wants to issue court proceedings only as a last resort, stating they need due course to complete their investigation. I have tried explaining 9 months without my car has impeded my range of travel for work and that surely I too must be entitled to some kind of solid basis in regards to how long this can drag on.

I involved my insurer because I figured with the accident being non fault it would be dealt with swiftly by Admiral trying to keep costs down (the third party insurer was from the same group of companies).

I rang the police who told me the report wasn't for me to deal with and that Admiral had told me to obtain it as it costs them £90 for the disclosure, which I have now been informed they have done.

Liability isn't a question as I have had a refund for my excess from the third party, they are however still refusing to acknowledge my losses and personal injury, which apart from loss of earnings is very little as I've had no hire car.

So to sum up from this accident I've lost my job, my car, I spent 5 days in hospital and am left with a chest, stomach and legs full of scars. I feel better knowing I'm not just moaning and something should be being done.

Landrover freelander - total loss non fault accident - lordwoody

I know from personal experience that most solicitors will avoid going to court at all costs, preferring a negotiated settlement. If you go to court and haven't taken every possible steps to negotiate the likely outcome is that the judge will send you away to negotiate and/or go to mediation. I have been involved in a civil case ( nothing like yours, but the process is similar in most cases) for two years and my solicitor has only just started court proceedings and is still assuming a negotiated settlement will happen, without a court appearance. You also need to be aware of court costs, and the fact that, however good your case, costs can still be awarded against you.