From the Cape Argus:
Cape Town's longest limousine faces the chop in a tug of war between police and insurers - and "part-owner" Nick Ball is caught in the middle.
Police have established that the front and back sections were from a stolen Mercedes - bought in good faith - and only the middle belongs to Ball.
The insurer of the Mercedes, SA-Eagle, says Ball is welcome to have its bits for R10 000.
But police are refusing to budge as the 7,7m monster gathers dust in the Stikland vehicle pound.
After the theft in 1995, the owner submitted an insurance claim and was paid out. SA-Eagle assumed legal ownership.
Police are refusing to let the limo go to Ball or the insurers because, they say, it is impossible for two people to own different parts of a single vehicle and they want the courts to sort it out.
The frustrated SA-Eagle official said: "If they cut the car in half and return us the front and back, are they really going to give Mr Ball the middle?"
Whats the name of the police man holding it up? Van de Merver!