Motoring to the tip - what rubbish? - oilrag
I was trundling to theTip, this Sunday AM - listening to the rat tat tat of the direct injection diesel and with a truly massive old CRT television in the back. (Of the little Punto car based van- that is)

Dang! arrived an hour too soon so rolled up onto the motorway to blow out the cobwebs and grab a coffee. Set off again and WHAM the TV did a double flip to land face down in the load bay - serves it right I thought for failing in the first Summer heat of a yesterday evening.

Now, despite it weighing around 200lbs (age adjusted to older muscles - but not far off) I got it IN to the motor - but there was no way it was coming out. Unless that is - I got behind it in the loadbay and levered it out with my feet like one of those dung beetles.

Waited another 30 min then for opening. The gates to the compound then swung open and as the `guards` took up position I faced the usual interrogation about `authenticating coupons` that vans large and small have to suffer. "Trade waste? - "no, its a telly...
Me - "I`m registered on your system". Them - "Where are your coupons" (flung them actually as nowhere to store them) "where are your papers" (we have ways of making you talk)

"I`m on the system"...... and "I have my library card (showing the noble crest of this fair city)- you have to have ID to get one of those"

Made it eventually - it reminded me why I had been slotting used containers of oil - an old computer and printer in the dustbin these last 9 months rather than face the grilling.

Motoring to the tip today?

(gripe thread 2 - oh, go on then, humour ;-)


Edited by oilrag on 31/05/2009 at 13:53

Motoring to the tip - what rubbish? - bell boy
i went to the tip in my small combo van a few years back the wife following in her fezzy,i was barred from entering the goulag due to van being of non desigatary fitments for the chiefs who ran the barricades at the watch tower
wifey was let in and allowed to leave 5 tonnes of plutonium waste we had had festering in the cellar and was going off as it doesnt like mixing with the gelignite we bought at a bring and buy sale at the local vicars tea party only the weekend before
anyway got the wife to park over the road wife my van backed up to her boot and all my waste was transferred to her car and she was again let into camp goulag with a wave and not so much as a we have ways of making you eat rubbish\

Motoring to the tip today?

(gripe thread 277657665776 - oh, go on then, humour ;-)


Motoring to the tip - what rubbish? - deepwith
Our local tip is very motorist friendly and even has chaps who will happily help the aged and decrepit - or just female weaklings ;-) You will be turned away if you have a large van of obviously commercial waste - not a good idea to turn up with a van painted with "House and Garden Clearance" painted on the side.
The have a new rule, though, that your trailer is not to be over 6' long - they will, however, accept it if you have a board in it, meaning that you only have 6' of space filled. How the workers get round the rules of them above!
Motoring to the tip - what rubbish? - Lud

That was it bb... I was thinking of that looking at your very inscrutable post in the thread (now closed for mysterious reasons of moderator embarrassment) about multiple identities.

You old troll you...

Motoring to the tip - what rubbish? - bell boy
i changed my name lud i never troll on this site
Motoring to the tip - what rubbish? - Lud
i never troll on this site

Of course not. Just teasing as I thought you would realise.

Do you mean though that you troll on other sites? You are not obliged to answer this question but a deafening silence may harm people's eardrums and render you liable to prosecution...
Motoring to the tip - what rubbish? - bell boy
Motoring to the tip - what rubbish? - oilrag
One of the guards once stood and watched me as I poured oil into the holding tank in the corner, commenting "some people just leave it at the side - we have to watch for it"

These are fit well muscled blokes wearing overalls - usually about 6 of them out front and another 12 in the back.

On another `oil trip` I was actually turned away to the comment " you can`t leave (" Two containers) of oil there. ITS FULL. There was a full watch on so that no one could actually just leave their cans at the side.
I drove straight up onto the bypass and forced the 5 litre containers into a waste paper basket.... Left for them to collect and bring back in at their leisure.

On one occasion I actually managed to deposit 3 cans at the side of the - filhty oil all over the floor where standing- tank.

Now, there`s a camera pointed at it..

I don`t feel bad about sliding these containers into the dustbin - they should facilitate and assist you... and in any case it should stop the bottom rusting out of the bin truck.

I`ve also thought about leaving a few cans and a pile of oil filters up at our local `sculpture (read modern) park` where it would be indistinguishable from existing `art`.

Motoring to the tip - what rubbish? - bell boy
i remember we just used to bury our old oil in the garden
returning it to nature as it were
ive buried engine blocks heads carbs all sorts there
maybe worth a fortune now if its all dug up and the worms havent eaten all the bits
Motoring to the tip - what rubbish? - oilrag
When I was a teenager I poured gallon after gallon into a hole in the garden. There`s a house extension been built over the spot for many years and I often wondered if they got a whiff of Q20-50 while sitting at breakfast.

Heavy clay in this part of Yorkshire - I`ve done my bit to break it down into something more fry-able

Edited by oilrag on 31/05/2009 at 14:43

Motoring to the tip - what rubbish? - Lud
Following the recommendation of a country-dwelling artist and Citroen lover, I used to change my car's oil over a rabbit hole being unsentimental about baby bunnies. Far less trouble than catching the damn stuff and taking it somewhere. And despite what people earnestly say I simply don't believe that it does any lasting harm except to the rabbits concerned, and even they only have to use one of the other doors... whole lot better than catching myxomatosis if you ask me.

at some moment in the distant future, bell boy's former garden may well become a designated area of special archaeological interest...
Motoring to the tip - what rubbish? - Pugugly
Provincial town - provincial attitudes - the local recycling place is staffed by a chap who is an Oxford graduate, his view of the world is pretty laid back and perfect for our small town's needs.
Motoring to the tip - what rubbish? - ianjoh
A mate of mine used to fully recycle his old oil straight from the engine by blending it 50/50 with kerosene to thin it, and pouring in the fuel tank via a paint filter. His old TD used to love it! Had to stop doing it when he got a spanky new HDi though.
Maybe we could start a new thread - "101 things to with your old oil"
Motoring to the tip - what rubbish? - doctorchris
Now that real creosote is banned, maybe old oil thinned with some white spirit (would that work?) would be a cheap way to protect gates and fences.
Motoring to the tip - what rubbish? - 659FBE
Years ago as a flat dwelling student I had an oil disposal problem following an oil change in the street.

As I had used a full tin of oil (old mini) and had a pristine empty tin, I decanted the old oil back into the new can, put it into a Halfords carrier bag with the till slip on top and left it at the nearest bus stop. Simple.

Motoring to the tip - what rubbish? - Lud
London tips are increasingly fussed over by jobsworths.

There's a council garbage sub-station conveniently sited quite near me in a yard off the Portobello Road, being needed for the market. You used to be able to chuck away old mattresses, TVs etc. in a skip there, but you can't any more unless there's no one around and you are very quick about it. Now you have to go to a place by the river about three miles away on Chelsea embankment. It's huge and you can just drive in, the people used to be quite pleasant and relaxed and there were different piles - very big piles - for different sorts of garbo. Haven't been there for years though. TVs and so on are surreptitiously dumped in some big wheelie bins on the edge of Westminster, and the last time I got rid of a large piece of furniture I drove around until I saw a deposit of dead furniture round a phone box on a pavement not far away and quickly left it and its cushions and its big sheets of glass there and drove away.

Go on, sue me. I don't deny that I deserve it.
Motoring to the tip - what rubbish? - Old Navy
>>Now you have to go to a place by the river about three miles away on Chelsea embankment. >>

Three whole miles! I hope you take food, water, and a can of fuel. :-)
Motoring to the tip - what rubbish? - Lud
It isn't an impressive distance ON, I agree, but it's going to be at least 25 minutes each way on a Saturday afternoon, Notting Hill Gate, Kensington High Street, Gloucester Road, King's Road or something more roundabout, Knightsbridge or Earl's Court... a bit of a pain compared to a quick nip round the block just to get rid of a few bits of garbo.

The usual thing round here for many is to dump stuff on the street. Then the council just take it away without making them jump through bureaucratic and other hoops.

It's unscrupulous, anti-social and extremely efficient compared to doing it the respectable way.
Motoring to the tip - what rubbish? - Old Navy
It isn't an impressive distance ON I agree.........

You have my sympathy Lud, I am so glad that I am not an urban dweller, an easy 20 minute drive is close enough for me!
Motoring to the tip - what rubbish? - ianjoh
Been there, done that and its good stuff, best blended with creosote. It also helps to keep SWMBO from gas-bagging over the garden fence in her nice white top.
Motoring to the tip - what rubbish? - gordonbennet
Ah the joys of the tip run...can't bring tyres, we don't take that, put this here, put that there.

Chap who had a big allotment at back of my old home used to take all my considerable quantity of used engine oil and mix with creosote for his fencing and many sheds.

He would also check through my rubbish before tip trip and filch out the most awkward to stack with the tons of other rubbish in his sheds...he didn't want to use any of it, he just wanted a huge load of stuff for his son to have to sort through in the due course...i do miss him, a very large ex train driver with a dry sense of humour.

His allotment was the key one at the proposed entrance to planned housing on those same allotments...except he wouldn't sell, the developers face was a picture when he offered huge amounts for the sale, my old mate took great delight in bursting his bubble...heh heh, the allotments are still there, and the proposed entrance is now not usable. Funny how some seem to think that everybody can be bought.

He had a lovely little summer house tucked away in his allotment too...somewhere to hide from swmbo.;)
Motoring to the tip - what rubbish? - martint123
Now that real creosote is banned maybe old oil thinned with some white spirit (would
that work?) would be a cheap way to protect gates and fences.

Been doing that for years - (you don't need the thinners) Stand fence posts in a tall, narrow drum of the stuff for a few days and add years to their lives.
Motoring to the tip - what rubbish? - 1400ted
Lud's at it again, teasing us poor Northerners with exotic, unattainable place-names !

We have 3 tips within striking distance. The boys and girls there are pretty good, some will help unload 'cos they're bored. The Suzy V will get in OK...6ft barrier and the rubbish area is fed through big 'windows' in the steel surrounding wall, each with a different rubbish appetite.

Got all of SWMBO's old kitchen in the trailer in flat pack form, so it's off to the dump tomorrow while the lads are here putting a new floor down ! Won't go at the weekend, it's like queueing to get into Oulton Park on a race day.

Motoring to the tip - what rubbish? - deepwith
For those of you who have bulky items of kitchen/furniture/bathroom fittings - try putting them on your local Freecycle site first. Contrary to common belief, you do not need to get hundreds of daily emails - you can opt out of the daily mailshot when you register.
That way they get collected and save you the 'tip run'.
Motoring to the tip - what rubbish? - bathtub tom
Freecycle. Wonderful innit!

I know of someone who got rid of their lawn moss to a spider keeper - he reckoned his tarantulas loved the stuff. You couldn't make it up!

SWMBO recently acquired a rocking horse for the the new grandchild. We could never aspire to one for the children.

If scrapyards are selling 'previously owned' anti-freeze, I reckon you can give almost anything else away. It's worth a punt, to avoid a trip to the tip.

I always go when the mums are either taking, or picking up, the little ankle biters at school.
Motoring to the tip - what rubbish? - Lud
teasing us poor Northerners with exotic, unattainable place-names !

If only... the whole problem ted is that they are all too attainable by all too many people who attain them every day in all too many vehicles.

Anyway, you're a fine one to talk:

'Come by me Rattle, on the A742 out by Wigan gasworks.'

'Is that the old gasworks or the new one round by Tesco on the Gormley bypass?'

'Aye, happen, lad. But it's quicker to take the Cheshire peripheral and come in via Entwistle Vale. That way you'll be in solid 20mph limits all the way. No need to fear nowt...' etc. etc.

Talk about exotic!

Motoring to the tip - what rubbish? - bell boy
thats feighting talk in yorkshire lad lud
tha better watch the ways
talking york shire in lancs
Motoring to the tip - what rubbish? - Lud
Sorry, had a feeling the dialects were bleeding into each other a bit. It's all a big blur up there till you get used to it.

No offence, or only a bit anyway....
Motoring to the tip - what rubbish? - bathtub tom
Roses, grow on you! ;>)
Motoring to the tip - what rubbish? - bell boy
type in towton :-)
i always stop there on the moor to get a feeling of the desolation of it all
Motoring to the tip - what rubbish? - 1400ted
Aye Lud, Thee'd better realise that there's nobbut wrong what wi' meither and clutterbucks ! So think on.

Now look what you've done ,Lud. You've only gone and got a Yorkshireman involved.
We all know that the only good thing to come out of Yorkshire is the road to Lancashire !
(And the Jowett car).

Motoring to the tip - what rubbish? - bell boy
tha can t even say toother over their int wigan can thee lad
we ave wippets and pidgeons and no us plaice see
tha comes over hear wif thee clever eyedears
best rode outa lancashire ist m62 lad make no doubt