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Most recently answered councils questions
I read your response to G.M. of Thornbury (25th April) with interest. In Slough we are saturated with speed humps and cushions but, in fairness, on my road there are some that are actually acceptable....
A friend tried to contact the local Director of Roads in order to complain about the condition of the road surfaces locally. He also wanted to bring to his attention an accident he had witnessed in which...
Just a quick e-mail to see if you know how to fight local councils over potholes. I recently punctured my rear tyre in a large pot hole. Being a BMW B10 3.3 Alpina the tyre cost £230 I had only just replaced...
Whilst driving my BMW 318 along Boundary Lane in Congleton, there was, as I drove over one of the 11 sets of totally unnecessary speed humps in 1,200 yards, a loud bang from the rear of the car. Though...
6 weeks ago driving my new Nissan Qashqai Visia on a B class Suffolk road at 40mph at a right bend, I espied a pool of water on the nearside and decided to brake lightly. As the nearside wheels entered...
I have always believed that speed cushions are an ineffective means of ‘kerbing’ speeding motorists although I agree the vast majority of careful drivers do comply by slowing down when traversing them....
Last July, on our way to a funeral (me on crutches, he the named driver of my little Arosa), we got stuck in a traffic jam in Sudbury. We found a route round on the map and set of via an industrial estate....
Several months ago, both my personal cars suffered damage on local roads due to potholes and obstructions (granite boulder / set) in the road. I have since filled in forms and sent these off to the council...
I am aware of some of your comments concerning ‘humps’ in the roads. Our local Council (Brent) has just sent a circular asking residents for their views on the proposed 20 mph zone involving quite a few...
I am currently suing our local County Council for the replacement of damaged front and rear tyres on hitting a large pot-hole in the A38 near Burnham-on-Sea, last summer, and I would like your input as...