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I moved over to let a driver merge from a slip road - was this the right thing to do?
I was very interested in the letter in last week’s Motoring Agony column, entitled ‘Sliproady Customer', about the attitude of some people to the way in which one should join a motorway. Recently, I went for an IAM driving assessment. The weather was foul - heavy rain with poor visibility. I was on the motorway in the inside lane and there was a car coming down the slip road. I moved over to allow the joining driver easy access. Following the assessment, I was told that it wasn’t my job to let people on to the motorway, it was their job to ensure that they joined safely. I find that attitude unbelievable. It presupposes a level of skill and observation that may be lacking. Interestingly, two driving instructor friends agreed with the IAM assessor but another friend who was a Class 1 police driving instructor agreed with me that it was a ridiculous stance to take. He also had the cheek to mark me down for ‘courtesy towards other road users’.
Asked on 7 December 2017 by D1FJR

I agree with you. Whoever the IAM assessor was in this case was an idiot.
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