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Train drivers
There has been plenty of mention in your column over the past few months of the IAM and the excellent work it does to promote advanced motoring. Please can you also give a shout to the RoSPA Advanced Drivers and Riders association (RoADAR)? I joined in 2004 after your recommendations in the Telegraph Motoring column, and have found the standard of its advanced driving tuition and of its local events (in my case, West Yorkshire Group) to be outstanding. Importantly (and unlike the IAM), RoADAR insists on re-testing its members every three years to ensure that standards are maintained. Local group membership is just £20 per year, in return for which associates are offered free, high quality tuition. It's incredible value for something that undoubtedly saves lives. The national website is www.roadar.org.uk
Asked on 9 October 2011 by RJ, West Yorks.

I have mentioned RoSPA before. But there is some confusion over the strange URL of www.roadar.org.uk and www.roada.org.uk when there is also www.rospa.com
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