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Is it better to have air conditioning on hot or cold setting?
I am concerned about the advice regarding how long air conditioning needs to be on as I have only put mine on occasionally when on a long downhill runs so that no energy is taken from the motor. If I now put it on more, as advised, does hot or cold give greatest benefit?
I've got away with it with two Hondas and a Ford but my Mercedes did give up even after regassing.
I've got away with it with two Hondas and a Ford but my Mercedes did give up even after regassing.
Asked on 28 February 2022 by Cabbage patch

I'd argue the air conditioning provides equal benefits to cold and warm air. In the summer it cools the air and makes the car more comfortable, while in the winter AC acts as a dehumidifier and prevents the windows from misting up.
air con
air conditioning
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