General - Electronic control systems - hillman

The growing complexity of computerised vehicle engine control systems and the vulnerability to electronic interference and hacking has been making news in the US. A couple of articles have been in the IEEE magazines recently, one reporting the ability of hackers to locate expensive models via their GPS units and steal them, another on the belated response of the agency reporting on the Toyota throttle episodes, “The Safety Promise and Challenge of Automotive Electronics”.

The committee report ‘cleared’ the electronic control systems of causing uncontrolled acceleration but recommended seven measures to be taken by the industry. Among the measures are:

Add devices to prevent unauthorised access to the safety systems.

Set up a standing technical advisory panel consisting of people with expertise in the design, development, and safety assurance of automotive electronics—including software and systems engineering, electronics hardware, and human factors.

Ensure that Event Data Recorders (black boxes) are commonplace in new vehicles.

I still have an old car that will blithely ignore mobile telephone masts and other sources of interference. If only I could get it going and keep it going reliably.

General - Electronic control systems - sb10

The idea of electronics on a car is to remove the human factor,not working though is it, but it does give employment to some people somewhere IMO they are going too far,but then again they arent cars anymore they are tin/plastic robots on wheels