Hi all,
Recently sold my 1997 MkIII Golf GTi to my brother.
He's just got his insurance paperwork through, and as part of this they have asked him to send them a copy of the 'immobiliser fitting certificate'. He declared standard VW factory fit immobiliser, as I always did when it was mine. To my knowledge, that's what it has.
He rang them up thinking it was just a misunderstanding - he explained that it wasn't a fancy aftermarket bit of kit that came with a certificate for insurance purposes - it was just the standard factory fit immobiliser.
They countered that he then needed to get a garage or a dealer to inspect the vehicle and supply a certificate showing that an immobiliser was present.
1. All the years I had that car, no insurer (and I used a few) ever asked for anything like that.
2. Would such a 'certificate' even be worth the paper it is written on?
I've told him the legal position is that he needs to inspect the terms of insurance cover and see if it includes anything about having to prove prescence of security features. I feel they're pushing him about a bit, and I'd probably tell them to take a running jump. Any garage or dealer would probably want paying to produce such a 'certificate'.... What next, having to get a certificate to prove that the doors shut??!!