Car insurance for young drivers - Martin Hopper
Which companies offer the best deals for young drivers?
Is it better for a young driver to have his/her own insurance from the start or be a named driver on a parent's policy until he/she passes the driving test?
Car insurance for young 'uns - David Lacey
See the earlier thread on this subject (About a week or two ago)
Re: Car insurance for young drivers - Phil Clarke
i started my own policy when i was 18, after being a driver on my mums policy. Insurance companies are often wise to the fact of parents putting their name as the main driver on thier kids car, and so quotes can be quite high. I have my insurance with Tesco, believe it or not, and this was the cheapest i found, after being reccomended. Appatently Co-Op is good for young drivers aswell.
Re: Car insurance for young drivers - Gail Trew
I have found the best by far to be CMA see their website at
Re: Car insurance for young drivers - Gail Trew
Opps, just noticed the web site is still under construction!! but you could telephone them on 01872 277151