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Renault Espace - lulu
My Espace is only 5 weeks old and I noticed a "lifting" of the bumper covering in a very small area. The dealer is suggesting that someone has "touched" the bumper whilst parking and nudged it (there also appears to be a pin missing holding the bumper to the chassis). There is absolutely no mark on the bumper and I think they've left the pin out and the movement has caused the lifting. The have now ordered a new bumper which seems extreme but have not accepted it as a manufacturers fault as they havent removed the bumper. How do I prove its not my fault and should be fixed under warranty?
Renault Espace - daryld
The amount you pay out of your own pocket for this fix is determined by how much forced but polite complaining that you do.

Deal with Renault customer services-not the dealer. Keep all letters and phone call details. Do not be fobbed off: if you have a genuine claim then they will eventually pay.

Note that if your car is a light metallic then the new bumper may never match. It may be better to stick with the old one.
Renault Espace - Dynamic Dave
>> Note that if your car is a light metallic then the
new bumper may never match.

That would depend on who resprays it. Guy at the bodyshop down the road from me prefers to respray metallics as he finds it easier to match to other panels than trying to blend in bog standard red for instance.
Renault Espace - Dave N
The paint always matches when it's first done.
Renault Espace - Dynamic Dave
The paint always matches when it's first done.

Rear windscreen was replaced on my previous Cavalier under Network Q warranty as some of the heated lines failed. Mr clusmy windscreen fitter shattered the glass while changing it. Glass chipped the paint on the roof and rear wings quite badly, and he also scratched the paint with his boilersuit zip/buttons. Paint colour was metallic Westminster Blue. Bodyshop only resprayed roof up to the sunroof, both rear wings and both rear doors. 4 yrs later and still no difference in colour between old and new paint.