Has anyone had a problem with a 2000 Accent gearbox?
It has been a problem since it was new. It is mainly second gear, which 'crunches' when changing from first to second.
The local dealer has done a couple of mods which has made little difference. I suspect that it is a common problem but the dealer is reluctant to confirm this. Any comments?
Hi mate
I also had a problem with my Hyundai gearbox. After many complaints to my dealer they changed the gearbox and as a token of compensation, have done the last services f.o.c . Now that’s what I call service. Best of luck tcman keep on to them!!
Don’t let the Bast…s grind you down.
I had a simalar problem on my Laguna when I bought it in March. It turned out to be that the wrong type of gearbox oil had been used. They replaced with the manufacturers specified oil, and it now glides into all gears. It may be worth a try before changing the whole box.
Hi Emerson (an honour to speak to you!). I wish it were that simple but but I think this is a mechanical problem. Also they have now as good as admitted that it is quite a common problem. Nevertheless, I shall mention your experience to them when I take it in again in a few days. Thanks for your reply.
Thanks Benjamin. I took it in again yesterday and they test drove it. They admit that the gearchange is bad but say that Hyundai will only let them do yet another 'mod', hopefully this week. I'll post the results.
Hi tcman
I think you are on an hiding to nothing, but I do know of a good quite high mileage mondeo you could swap your car for, its in good nick only small starting problem!
P.S. thanks for cd's.
Still no word from the Hyundai dealer, so nothing new to report.
I think I'll pass on the Mondeo offer!