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Winter tyres in germany - piston power
Speaking to a German today on the ham radio he tells me that it's illegal to drive in germany in winter without winter tyres fitted, he says you can drive but should you have a bump the insurance won't pay out?

So my guess is they have 2x sets of wheels or drive all year on winter tyres?

And just to rub it in he said petrol is cheaper!

I was going to say a spitfire was much better plane than the meshersmit but i declined.!

Edited by Pugugly on 18/12/2009 at 19:56

Winter tyres in germany - Armitage Shanks {p}
Hire cars have winter tyres fitted in Germany and you pay extra for them! I don't Know about residents and vistors though. I worked in Germany in the late 80s and we didn't have to have them but the rules may have changed. Perhaps the AA driving abroad info page will have information.
Winter tyres in germany - Zuave
The above is true. Winter tyres are not a legal requirement as such but, if you have an accident and are on the wrong tyres, you are held responsible. This applies all year round so you must swap to summer tyres in late-ish spring. There are a few people who run intermediate tyres all year but all the people I know do the swap.

Most people have a set of steel rims fitted with winter tyres which are wheeled out of the cellar and swapped come Novermber, or there abouts. Some change when there has been a week of the temp averaging under 7 degs C.

If you have larger wheels (such as the alloys on my "05 XJD) some people (as I do) have all 4 tyres swapped for winter ones on the alloys. It can be pricey, I paid just shy of ?1000 in Jan 09 for the winter tyres but I did get them from Jaguar in Bonn and they do all the swapping and also store the set of tyres I am not using.
You can get "normal sizes" of winter tyres and steel rims quite cheaply. Google for WinterReifen.

I think it is a worthwhile cost. Tyres being the wee bit of the car that (normally!) is in contact with the road. I find them a definite advantage and they bring the big Jag to a nice halt even in snow.

Diesel was ?1.02 when I checked coming back from work today.

Best wishes from Bonn
frohe Weinachten und guten Rutsch neues jahr zusammen.

Winter tyres in germany - diddy1234
I don't know when the law changed but yes in germany you have to have winter and summer tyres and also in some southern parts of Germany you have to have snow chains as well.

Also since were on the subject, the local farmers are highered by the local council to grit the roads for the town / village in winter.
They are even given the gritting lorries over winter to use.

The result is that some parts of Germany have a very good gritting network.

How is that for forward thinking ?
Winter tyres in germany - Alby Back
German couple live next door to us in the UK. They always put winter tyres on at this time of year. They say they can't bring themselves not to.
Winter tyres in germany - piston power
I can't see it happening here the british just are too lazy i see many a bald tyre never mind winter/summer tyres so what hope is there!

But still good idea but we don't get the cold weather i suppose like europe does thank goodness !

Edited by Webmaster on 19/12/2009 at 01:50

Winter tyres in germany - loskie
The legal limit of 1.6mm tread depth in UK it's way less than adequate for our wet, wintry conditions. I echo comments above about British drivers being lazy or maybe ignorant. Look at car tyres in car parks and you'll see many that are worn shiny, unevenly worn often on expensive, high performance cars.
You can guarantee that if these drivers lose control they'll blame everyone but themselves.
On a wee aside it astounds me the high performance cars fitted with poor quality "no name tyres"

Edited by loskie on 18/12/2009 at 23:56

Winter tyres in germany - cepi
In Eastern Europe in most countries the winter equipment includes: winter tires, snow chains, small shovel, and blanket. All required from 15 Nov. to 15 March.
Winter tyres in germany - gordonbennet
On a wee aside it astounds me the high performance cars fitted with poor quality
"no name tyres"

Agreed, i couldn't get a 57plate prestige German car onto the truck last week without extreme difficulty, all the others no problem at all, then i noticed the new high quality Chinese ditchfinders (lowest priced everywhere) proudly mounted on the rear 19" alloys, unbelievable.