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BGT 1961 1.8 Unable to start the engine - captain25
I have MK1 1961 MGBGT which i restored for my daughteras 21. After a few years left in the workshop unused, i decided to re mot it. Driving to the garage i tested the brakes to get them warmed up, when suddenly there was this thump thump noise, found out later it was the fan hitting the radiator, i must of put the brakes on really hard because the engine moved forward about 1/2 inch.
Well from that point on the engine will not start.The timing keeps changing, I have had a mechanic it for 7 hours with all sorts of theories.We even had propane gas run into the carbs to tell if they are leaking(an very old trick and it works), I changed the head gasket. carbs(second hand) but still nothing. Just pops and bangs.We set the timing tio TCD and try to start
then we double check and the rotor arm has changed its positon.
Theory: The front keyway on the timing chain has broken????????????????Don,t really want to go there unless sure.ANYBODY GOT ANY IDEA.s????????????????

{header amended to include a brief summary of question being asked - ie, made less vague}

Edited by Dynamic Dave on 05/11/2009 at 12:37

61 1800 MGBGT - bell boy
are you sure the thrust washers haven't collapsed?
BGT 1961 1.8 Unable to start the engine - kithmo
Have you tried physically turning the rotor arm ?
I'm thinking, rotor arm damaged and not seating on distributor shaft correctly or distributor shaft slipping (sheared pin on drive).
BGT 1961 1.8 Unable to start the engine - Peter.N.
I dont know about the BMC engine but my son had this problem with a Capri which I eventually found was caused by the pin that goes through the distributer shaft having sheared. Have you tried another distributer?
BGT 1961 1.8 Unable to start the engine - piston power
On the mg dizzie there is a round clamp that nips up the dizzie is this worn and advancing?

It can be squashed or built up some to clamp the distrubitor in place. just a thought do take a look.
BGT 1961 1.8 Unable to start the engine - captain25
Nope thats fine, checked all that
BGT 1961 1.8 Unable to start the engine - madf
I am afraid this post may be a scam.
As far as I know the MG BGT was not produced in 1961.
In fact MG B Production started in 1962.

The MG B GT was not produced until 1965.

Since the OP has just registered and his story sounds unbelievable.. (the car steering is too heavy for MY daughter to drive ) I would treat this thread with suspicion.

I apologise in advance if the OP is genuine and just got his dates wrong.

Edited by madf on 05/11/2009 at 17:49

BGT 1961 1.8 Unable to start the engine - pmh3
I support the troll view! I think I have seen something almost identical posted elsewhere.
BGT 1961 1.8 Unable to start the engine - Roly93
If it is a scam what would be gained from it ??
Am I missing something ?
BGT 1961 1.8 Unable to start the engine - Dave_TD
If it is a scam what would be gained from it?

Who knows, but it seems to be getting more common.

I don't know of many people old enough to have a 25(? 21+ a few)year old daughter who would write "must of".

I've not heard of engines moving forward under braking either, and I find it strange that someone who's restored an MG would come here and not to a dedicated MG site.
BGT 1961 1.8 Unable to start the engine - bell boy
i used to have a viva that stalled under heavy braking because there were no thrust washers left and the crank moved badly forward
you could also watch it if you got a hjelper to push the clutch pedal
BGT 1961 1.8 Unable to start the engine - bathtub tom
DD. My thirty-year-old daughter had to be pulled up for writing "must of" before her A levels. She knows better now.

My old '60s Vitesse suffered from the engine fan driving into the radiator during an emergency stop. The restraint wire from the gearbox to the chassis (we're going back a long way here) had corroded through.

It does seem strange we haven't heard from the OP lately.