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03 diesel hissing sound from engine. - Norn-Iron
Hello everyone, I have a 2003 Mazda 6 diesel and have recently noticed a hissing noise coming form the engine from possibly around the EGR valve or that area there is also a fluid reservoir with a screw top in the same area and was wondering if any of you have heard similar in the past? It's hard to pinpoint and I have checked pipes and all look fine. When I turn off the engine, this hiss dies away after a secind or two, then there's a sound like a pressure release (possibly the EGR valve) sounds like the engine is spitting, this is a few seconds after switch off. The car is driving fine and this cannot be heard unless the bonet is lifted, just that it's a noise I never really noticed before and dont think should be there.

Any help greatly welcomed.


Edited by Pugugly on 22/10/2009 at 22:28

03 diesel hissing sound from engine. - cj1000
hi i would check your pas fluid level as if it drops slightly the pump becomes noisy (there is usually some intake and vac noie arround that area though)
03 diesel hissing sound from engine. - Norn-Iron
Hi cj1000, thanks for your reply, the fluid level seems ok, not too low. Could be as you say just noise from around that area. Will keep an eye on it!
