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Insurance dilemma part 2 - Harmattan
Here is the update, and hopefully final bit, on the previously-mentioned claim my daughter had for a rear-ended Citroen Visa. Both Tesco (her insurers) and Zurich (the other party) offered separately to deal with the claim which meant her ageing car was written off as uneconomical to repair.

Zurich were the quicker of the two, accepting their customer was fully to blame, and offering a settlement which more than covered the minimal purchase value of the admittedly low-mileage car, together with £200 over which compensated for inconvenience, my time spent recovering the car on daughter's behalf and having it inspected. Plus they let her keep the car which passed an MOT the day after the shunt. Since I have now found an identical low mileage Visa for £60 (hard bargaining down from £120 asked), the better bits from Visa No1 are being kept as spares.

I was impressed with Zurich, who seemed very fair, and the speed at which they worked. Tesco were just a bit slower but seem happy that all uninsured losses were recovered and have now sent her annual renewal showing she has built up her NCD. However, inflation seems to have pushed the premium so it is only about £20 lower than it was for her first insurance last year.

Not having been involved in an insurance claim (theft of MGB 20 years ago) for some time, it has been instructive. In shopping around for new quotes, we will no longer be bothering with extras such as protected NCD, uninsured losses protection, or comprehensive on low value cars with cheap-to-replace windscreens. We will probably stay fully comp on the Honda Legend (expensive windscreen) and with 'name' companies for the car most likely to go abroad (inclusive Continental cover and 'free' Green Card).

Insurance dilemma part 2 - J Bonington Jagworth
Pigs do fly, then! Glad to hear you got it resolved - certainly the first time I've heard of a car insurance company paying out for inconvenience...

Glad you're sticking with the Visa, too. Much underrated, IMHO.
Insurance dilemma part 2 - Chris M

Good to hear the claim was settled to your satisfaction. I commented at the time that I thought you were being a little suspicious of Zurich. I'm glad they treated you in a fair manner and refreshing to see an insurer 'do the right thing'.

Chris M