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Co-op insurance contact details - Giles

I've seen the Co-op insurance company reccomended on here several times, but I can't find any contact details. Please could someone let me have a web address or/ and phone number?


Re: Co-op insurance contact details - Ian Aspinall
www.cis.co.uk / 08000 28 29 29
Re: Co-op insurance contact details - BigAl
I have found them very competetively priced and very efficient when I insured my car with them after coming out of the Company car scheme last year. Details are:
Co-operative Insurance Society Ltd, Miller St, Manchester M60 0AL
Tel 0161 832 8686 www.cis.co.uk e-mail cis@cis.co.uk

They were recommended to me, and I would certainly pass that recommendation on.
Re: Co-op insurance contact details - Keithb
Very expensive quotes on all of our 3 cars but very cheap for a group 3 car with a named teenage driver.

As has been pointed out before, it is meaningless to say that company XXX is cheap as no company is best for everyone. The only way to do it is to get quotes from all the direct insurers + a couple of brokers e.g. Screentrade, Hill House Hammond, who are likely to be the most expensive (but not always, of course).
Re: Co-op insurance contact details - ladas are slow
AA insurance keep going on about being cheap for insurance, but when i first got insurance AA said £2480 fully comp, but tesco said £620 fully comp.
Re: Co-op insurance contact details - Giles
Thanks very much people
Re: Co-op insurance contact details - Miller
£2480 to insure a lada? come on!
Re: Co-op insurance contact details - ladas are slow
you try insuring a lada for a 21 year old with no NCB, and living in north shields, and you will see that most insurers are about £2000+ but tesco seem to be the cheapest at £620.
Re: Co-op insurance contact details - ian (cape town)
2k on a car worth less than a quarter of that?
Why bother with the fully comp option?
Re: Co-op insurance contact details - ladas are slow
i am currently with the £620 option, as tesco said that TPO was £569, so i thought it was worth paying the extra £51.