Help the aged ! - hillman

The news articles I’ve been reading lately have all mentioned the practice of the insurance companies of increasing the premiums to people above a certain age. The articles also mention that the companies admit that older drivers are less likely to be involved in accidents. One of the reasons quoted is that the older driver has impaired reflexes and is more likely to be involved, for example, in shunting the car in front.

No, this is not an article about ‘crash for cash’ ! I was tempted into reading the article that has appeared for some time in the Telegraph as an advertisement for the Subaru Outback. One version of the article has a video that shows The Stig attempting to rear end another car and the automatic prevention feature preventing it, of course. That would be a good feature to have but raises questions. For example, would the feature prevent one from driving too close to the car in front; I have in mind at traffic lights. When fully automatic cars are sold in sufficient numbers will the insurance companies treat all ages of driver the same ?