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1999 Mercedes Benz c230k - HELP! My car revs up to 5000+ upon start up - Ali Ramazhan
My 1999 c230k was fine just yesterday and then this morning when I started it the rpm just kept revving up past 6000 in park. so I shut it off and tried again then it did it again so I let it go and it stopped and went back down but only to 1500. When I put it in drive I can feel it trying to rev its self a little if I let go of the brakes the car will slowly start accelerating on its own. The car also doesn’t respond to the gas pedal well I can push it down and it won’t really do anything just keep jerking and I have to push the brakes extremely hard to stop the car! There is not check engine light either! Help please and thank you!

I think it’s either the Accelerator cable or the throttle body but I’m not sure. I did take out and clean the throttle body and it didn’t help
1999 Mercedes Benz c230k - HELP! My car revs up to 5000+ upon start up - elekie&a/c doctor

There is no check engine or Mil light on these.The car does have a limited self diagnostic function,but it is not like a later 16 pin Obd system.This car runs an old 38 pin diagnostic connector which requires an old style machine.for diagnostics. The throttle control on these is part mechanical cable and part electronic throttle body. You really need to find a good indy Merc specialist that understands the operation of these older systems.

1999 Mercedes Benz c230k - HELP! My car revs up to 5000+ upon start up - Ali Ramazhan
Oh okay thanks for the response I appreciate it