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Things you don't see anymore... - Lounge Lizard

Policemen directing traffic (unless there's been an accident).

Rusty cars.

People rushing to the petrol-station after the budget speech to beat 6pm deadline.

Weekly reports of people you know's cars being broken into and the radio-cassette player being stolen.

You know someone who knows someone who's just had their Sierra XR4 stolen

Knobs falling off the fascia of car stereos

Things you don't see anymore... - bathtub tom

White dog turds.

Things you don't see anymore... - focussed

Adverts with the strapline-

"If only everything in life was as reliable as a Volkswagen"

Things you don't see anymore... - Engineer Andy


Things you don't see any more... - Avant

Mostly things you're glad you don't see any more.

But there are a few that I miss -

The inimitable noise made by a 1950s two-stroke Commer lorry.

AA patrolmen who saluted AA members.

Opening quarter-vents in the front windows of cars: slightly open and they were excellent demisters; fully open on a hot day and you got a terrific blast of good fresh air, far better than anything that comes through dashboard vents.

Triumph cars generally, especially with the six-cylinder engines - the feel-good factor that you got from the beautifuly laid-out dashboard with real wood, and the seats which were the most comfortable in the business.

Things you don't see any more... - Wackyracer

Tax applied for on a piece of very old sun faded paper in the tax disc holder.

Please pass running in , in the rear screen of cars.

Things you don't see any more... - Doc

Hand signals...........come to think of it, any signals!

Things you don't see any more... - Vitesse6

People using the handbrake when they stop at traffic lights rather than sitting on the foot brake and dazzling the people behind.

Things you don't see any more... - alanemids

Could it be that there are many more autmatics around?

I've drive autos last 20 yrs, my wife has an auto as does our son and two daughters. Most of my family have autos. Last 10/12 yrs, smaller autos more realiable, and cost effective so more autos.

I have to admit that yrs ago when I drove a maunal, I rarely used the handbrake and did not let car roll. I am mindful at traffic lights, nose to tail traffic in the dar re impact on drivers behind me, especially as my car has high density LEDS as brake lights, but there is nothing I can do. I do not know what the solution is but I agree with you.

Things you don't see any more... - jc2

Opening quarter-vents in the front windows of cars: slightly open and they were excellent demisters; fully open on a hot day and you got a terrific blast of good fresh air, far better than anything that comes through dashboard vents.

Made a good ashtray as well.

Things you don't see any more... - Ben 10
Dustman hanging on the back of the dust cart.
Things you don't see any more... - Snakey


Council repairing roads

Traffic Police (apart from in camera vans)

Roundabouts that aren't covered in traffic lights

Common sense


Things you don't see any more... - Gibbo_Wirral

Cars stopping when the traffic lights turn red.

Things you don't see any more... - Vitesse6

The French dustmen (and women!) still do

Things you don't see any more... - Engineer Andy

No 'elf n safeT' in France.

Things you don't see anymore... - FoxyJukebox

Garage attendant who will fill your car, clean your screen, test your tyres and check your oil.

Things you don't see anymore... - Engineer Andy

Getting points when filling up in order to buy numerous sets of drinking glasses (my parents still have [and use] their Esso lot from the early 1980s!).


Things you don't see anymore... - RichT54

One thing I haven't heard in a long time is a car endlessly churning away on its starter motor without firing. Cars just seem to start these days.

Things you don't see anymore... - csgmart

on the same theme of "hearing"...

Car engines pinking under load and engines running on after being switched off.

My mum had a Fiat 500 (circa 1970s) that used to go on for several minutes. Usually had to put the car in gear and let the clutch out gently to "stall" it.

The other thing we do see now (but didn't back in the 1970s and 1980s) is people queing up in petrol stations with a basket full of the weekly shopping. Takes blooming ages sometimes!

What about blokes doing DIY on their cars at the weekends? Used to see a lot of it about years ago but I rarely see anyone now. I doubt if most people check their oil, tyre pressures and lights - ever.

Edited by csgmart on 21/03/2016 at 17:22

Things you don't see anymore... - Engineer Andy

Do petrol stations still sell charcoal brickettes and other 'BBQ' stuff? Or just groceries, maps and coffee? Some now have 'special queues' for people only buying fuel (like the 10 items or less at the supermarket), as its starting to pee many of us off when the person(s) in front is buying most of their weekly shop and half the time not even buying any fuel!

Things you don't see anymore... - elekie&a/c doctor

Mobile phones .....where the extra added feature is a phone that makes phone calls!

Things you don't see anymore... - Ethan Edwards

I check mine weekly. Mind you I'm older and my Dad taught me to do that. Plus I do 18+ k a year.

Things you don't see anymore... - dadbif
Things you don't hear anymore..

Knocking camshaft a (on ford cortinas) or knocking big ends.
Things you don't see anymore... - Wackyracer

Cars with big blue clouds of burning oil following them along.

Things you don't see anymore... - dimdip

Always being able to hear a car alarm going off somewhere

Those straps that hung off the back of cars to discharge the static

Skidmarks on the road


Traction engines (used to be a fairly regular sight in the 70s)

'Waving hand' on a spring stuck in back windows

Morris Minor style transmission whine (though Foresters do a decent homage in high ratio)

The rorty offbeat burble of an Audi Quattro 5-pot

Cyclists that aren't wearing spandex gimpsuits

Sunroofs (rooves?)

CB aerials

Edited by dimdip on 21/03/2016 at 21:32

Things you don't see anymore... - RT

Still a popular extra cost option on many models

Things you don't see anymore... - Benet

People washing their own cars in their driveways - it's too cheap to get it done by the Rumanian guys in supermarket carparks and disused garages. (Until BREXIT time anyway!)

Things you don't see anymore... - Wackyracer

People washing their own cars in their driveways - it's too cheap to get it done by the Rumanian guys in supermarket carparks and disused garages. (Until BREXIT time anyway!)

I seem to be the only person in my street who washes their own cars.

Things you don't see anymore... - ExA35Owner


Things you don't see anymore... - former farmer

There was a craze for putting a small sign on the boot with the name of the county together with the relevant coat of arms. Quite a handy hint for a subject of conversation when hitch-hiking. And that is something else one rarely sees.

Things you don't see anymore... - Quoth

Reports of acid rain...

Back in the 80s, it was the next big disaster waiting to ruin us. Lower pollution seems to have sorted it :)

Things you don't see anymore... - Sam49

Black plastic louvre rear windows
Protective reflectors on doors
Sunroof with wind deflector
'Humourous' items - moony men, "things" coming out of your boot - hands/fingers, cat's rear end etc
Autoreverse cassette players being a luxury item
Rear centre lap belts

I grew up in the 80s...

Things you don't see anymore... - Sam49

And also

Aftermarket front foglights stuck on radiator, usually wonky
Yellow headlights from French holidays
Bumper overriders
Kids in the street helping with bumpstarts

Things you don't see anymore... - Sofa Spud

Stick on sunstrips across the top of windscreens haven't disappeared completely but you don't see many.

Tasteless bodykits that boy racers used to put on Ford Escorts in particular. Bodykits still exist but the worst ones coincided with the time when late model Ford Escorts were most popular with boy racers.

Rusty old tractors being driven at 10 mph by old men in floppy hats and coats tied up with orange baler twine.

Edited by Sofa Spud on 22/03/2016 at 11:24

Things you don't see anymore... - piggy

Hand throttles. I seem to remember a Fiat 128 I had having one of these. They were quite useful to stop the engine stalling on first start-up. Now a function taken over by the ECU. To the poster who had a Fiat that ran on- they were supposed to do this. IIRC it was a Fiat Coupe I had that did this. Always went off after about a minute.

Things you don't see anymore... - Ian_SW

Clouds of discarded cassette tape at traffic lights. The 'Waterworks' junction on the north circular near where I lived used to be a particularly good site for this.

As one of those going home from the pub 'good ideas', a mate and I once collected a load and wound it back onto a cassette to see what was on it. I can't remember what it contained, some tinny 1980s pop I think. It didn't do my tape player much good playing it back though.

Things you don't see anymore... - movilogo

>> I seem to be the only person in my street who washes their own cars.

In my street many people still do it (incl me).

Things you don't see anymore... - Doc

Clip on (the driver's window) parking lights.

Things you don't see anymore... - Bolt

Reports of acid rain...

Back in the 80s, it was the next big disaster waiting to ruin us. Lower pollution seems to have sorted it :)

We get Sahara dust (Sand) instead!

Things you don't see anymore... - FoxyJukebox

In my street-for the last 10 years-I have never EVER seen a car "owner"

1) Lifting the bonnet and checking their oil

2) Lifting the bonnet and topping up their screen wash

3) Getting out a tyre pump and checking their tyres--all round

Don't tell me they do it when they get to a petrol station-'cos i haven't seen it there either!

Things you don't see anymore... - focussed

Those fly deflectors that were fitted to the front top of the bonnet, for some reason I always associate them with old Mercs.

Things you don't see anymore... - Bilboman

Feu Orange and Magic Tree air fresheners seem to have vanished. And when did you last see an electric aerial zooming up (except on a Honda or Jag at the golf club?)
Aftermarket spoilers at the rear (e.g. 1980s BMW 3 series) and front (Leyland's atrocious "facelifts" of the superannuated Marina and Allegro probably killed this particular fad forever.)
The Fischer "C box" cassette holders, once beloved of upmarket Vauxhalls, have died along with the in-car cassette players.
Aftermarket steering wheels (incompatible with the multi-buttoned, airbag-equipped monstrosities steering today's cars)
Aftermarket gearknobs resembling skulls and other satanic paraphernalia or the ubiquitous Argos faux mahogany/gold-trimmed number with the all-essential illuminated LCD clock and stopwatch.

In Spain a few weird and wonderful add-ons have long been consigned to the history books. It was once common to see an adjustable pen-shaped plastic brace (with a sticky pad at each end) wedged between dashboard and windscreen, apparently to prevent (toughened?) windscreens from shattering upon impact from a stone chip. A bar fixed between the front head restraints (in pre-rear-seatbelt days) kept inquisitive children from diving (or presumably being thrown during a crash) into the front seat space. Nudge bars allowed atrocious drivers to bash their ways in and out of tight parking spaces. A square enamel sign bearing a yellow triangle inside a blue square was fixed to the front bumper (whatever that was!) to warn that the car or van was towing a trailer behind.
Old-school taxi drivers still keep an adhesive panel stuck to the dash, with a monthly calendar in one window, a photo of the kids in another and an image of the local saint in the third to keep everyone nice and safe!

Edited by Bilboman on 22/03/2016 at 22:20

Things you don't see anymore... - Sofa Spud

Another one . . .

A pair of "Town & Country" knobbly tyres fitted to the drive axle of ordinary cars. Normally seen on the rear axle on rear-wheel-drive saloons.

Things you don't see anymore... - Wackyracer

Feu Orange and Magic Tree air fresheners seem to have vanished.

I haven't seen the Feu Orange ones for years but, I still buy magic tree ones now.

Things you don't see anymore... - Bilboman

The quoted "life expectancy" of those Feu Orange thingies - like all car air fresheners! - was never quite what it should have been and I remember jabbing the pin into the third hole in the felt strip to try and coax a few more journeys' worth of that unforgettable scent out of it. I think my Dad once kept one in his car for two years.
* Update: Original Feu Orange air fresheners currently up for grabs on eBay for £ 50 a pop !!*

Edited by Bilboman on 22/03/2016 at 23:52

Things you don't see anymore... - John Boy

Plastic canaries rocking on suction cups in rear windows.

Furry dice hanging from interior mirrors.

Ornate metal boxes for tissues in Datsun rear windows.


Things you don't see anymore... - Trilogy

2/3/4/5 star petrol.

New Saabs or Rovers.

Mann Egerton and Kennings dealerships.

Petrol for sale by the gallon.

Supplied by XYZ dealership stickers in the back window of new cars.

Rear engined Skodas.


Edited by Trilogy on 23/03/2016 at 19:04

Things you don't see anymore... - RT

Mann Egerton was the foundation of the Inchcape group of dealerships in '73 - which bought the Kennings dealers in the '90s.

Things you don't see anymore... - focussed

Bond Bugs

Bond Minicars

NSU Quickly mopeds (obviously killed off by the trade descriptions act)

Starting handles

6 volt VW beetles

Lanchesters (and the sound of their gearbox)

Mk 9 Jags ( has the tin worm got them all?)

Things you don't see anymore... - John Boy

I couldn't believe my eyes - the first car to appear behind me this morniing had ... "Furry dice hanging from the interior mirror."

Things you don't see anymore... - John Boy

Lanchesters (and the sound of their gearbox)

But have you seen this?


Things you don't see anymore... - focussed

Lanchesters (and the sound of their gearbox)

But have you seen this?


And that's another thing you don't see nowadays - the traffic signs reminder sticker on the windscreen, because you can't see the signs because of the sticker on the windscreen..........!

Things you don't see anymore... - davecooper

Bond Bugs

Bond Minicars

NSU Quickly mopeds (obviously killed off by the trade descriptions act)

Starting handles

6 volt VW beetles

Lanchesters (and the sound of their gearbox)

Mk 9 Jags ( has the tin worm got them all?)

Chap near me runs a Bond Bug. Oh those 70's memories, sigh!

Things you don't see anymore... - Sofa Spud

Bits of cardboard or cloth covering the radiator grille in winter.

Roadside petrol pumps with a metal arm that swings out over the pavement.

Chromes 'cat's paw' shaped exhaust tailpipe embellishers.

Car drivers who insist on starting off in second gear.

Two small cushions on the shelf behind the rear seats of saloon cars.

Stick-on rear window heaters.

Wing mirrors (they're door mirrors these days).

'disc brakes' or 'discs' warning stickers on the back of cars.

Rostyle wheels

Opening quarter lights on front doors

Badge bars on the front with lots of badges on them.

V-shaped veteran driver badges. I ought to qualify for one of these, I've been driving for over 40 years !

Edited by Sofa Spud on 24/03/2016 at 17:29

Things you don't see anymore... - Engineer Andy

'Beaded' car seat covers. Any after-market car seat covers (you know, the ones Argos always advertise[d]) for that matter. Haven't any for years, even on older cars.

New cars with pop-up headlights (they were so cool in the 70s and 80s).

'T-top' cars (Toyota MR2 mk2, Pontiac TransAm [Knight Rider], etc).

Plastic strip 'sunshades' on front windscreens (the 'Wayne & Sharron/Tracy' type in aqua blue - maybe they only were bought in Essex and surrounds?!).

New cars with headlight wipers (most appear to only have washers if anything).

Spinnies (thank God).

After-market door bump strips with reflectors.

Sandy yellow coloured cars, vinyl seat covers (horrible in hot sunny weather - towels to cover them were essential to keep you from getting burnt!).

People stealing hubcaps (why?).

Tax discs (about time - should've been replaced by insurance discs).

Empty local roads during the day.

Ad-hoc windescreen 'cleaners' at traffic lights (replaced by your local friendly Eastern European car wash outlet at Tesco or disused petrol station).

Humourous boot ornaments (e.g. plastic hands sticking out, etc).

Static strips hanging from the rear of cars.

Novelty car horns (a-la Dukes of Hazard type).

Cars with covered up small rectangular fog lights on the front grille.

'Pepper pot' or wire wheeled cars.

Main dealers offering the best discounts for cash.

Most people honestly using disabled blue badges when going shopping.

UK/European cars from the 1970s and 80s. I still see a small number of Japanese ones (and by the looks of them, in fine order too).

An major accident-free week on the A14/M11/A11 triangle of roads around Cambridge.

People just 'going for a drive' on a Sunday afternoon on (relatively) empty roads (only corner shops being open).

Travelling on a motorway for (say) 30 mins without coming across some kind of roadworks (and work actually going on).

Quentin Wilson (boo or hooray? Hmmm).

As you can see by the number of items, I am bored.

Edited by Engineer Andy on 24/03/2016 at 20:00

Things you don't see anymore... - RT

New cars with headlight wipers (most appear to only have washers if anything).

Ad-hoc windescreen 'cleaners' at traffic lights (replaced by your local friendly Eastern European car wash outlet at Tesco or disused petrol station).

Most people honestly using disabled blue badges when going shopping.

Travelling on a motorway for (say) 30 mins without coming across some kind of roadworks (and work actually going on).

Pressure washers, not wipers, are mandatory on HID headlamps

Traffic light windscreen washers still present in places with high immigrant populations.

Beware how you judge Blue Badge holders - you wouldn't want any of the conditions that genuinely justify it.

You're obviously going in the wrong direction or starting from the wrong place!

Things you don't see anymore... - Engineer Andy

Regarding the use of blue badges - note that I used the term 'users of', not holders - there is a subtle difference: I see on a regular basis friends and family of blue badge holders (obviously) using the badges solely for themselves to go shopping (and parking where they shouldn't - normally because its much nearer the shop's entrance) without their disabled friend/relative, because they are lazy. This is illegal and immoral (it takes spaces away from legitimate holders) and should be stopped.

Things you don't see anymore... - Benet

People pulled up by the roadside to push out the rest of their toughened glass windscreen once a stone chip has shattered it. This used to a be a regular sight on cross-country A-road journeys in the 70s. (Before I was actually driving myself you understand)

And something we do see, but shouldn't - all those cars with only one headlamp working because they're so wretchedly complicated you have to get a main dealer to put ina bulb! (Mainly Fords & VWs I suspect.)

Things you don't see anymore... - galileo

People pulled up by the roadside to push out the rest of their toughened glass windscreen once a stone chip has shattered it. This used to a be a regular sight on cross-country A-road journeys in the 70s. (Before I was actually driving myself you understand)

And something we do see, but shouldn't - all those cars with only one headlamp working because they're so wretchedly complicated you have to get a main dealer to put ina bulb! (Mainly Fords & VWs I suspect.)

I had a screen go at 70mph on the A38 towards the M1 - went with a bang like a .45 Colt Auto (I had one at the time for target shooting!). This was in a firm's car, fortunately had my safety glasses with me so after clearing the bits was able to drive it back, it's ok if you keep all other windows shut.

Totally agree about the one headlamp problem, some just don't seem to get them fixed, use foglamps instead. I suspect the manufacturers design them as hard to replace to drum up business for their dealers' service bays.

Things you don't see anymore... - shami

Seymour Bunz in the back screen of the car in front...:)

Things you don't see anymore... - kiss (keep it simple)

Invalid carriages.

Things you don't see anymore... - focussed

"Pressure washers, not wipers, are mandatory on HID headlamps"

I really can't see the point in this useless piece of EU legislation, squirting water at a dirty headlamp glass achieves what exactly?

At least when Volvos used to be equipped with washers and wipers on the headlamps, it was possible to keep the headlamp glasses clear in any weather or road condition.

Things you don't see anymore... - RT

"Pressure washers, not wipers, are mandatory on HID headlamps"

I really can't see the point in this useless piece of EU legislation, squirting water at a dirty headlamp glass achieves what exactly?

At least when Volvos used to be equipped with washers and wipers on the headlamps, it was possible to keep the headlamp glasses clear in any weather or road condition.

I don't disagree - I had headlamp wash/wipe on a few Vauxhalls and it was very effective - anecdotally said to be unreliable but I never had any issues - the advantage of wash/wipe was that even if the headlamps where covered in muck during the daytime, a few applications would clear them completely - with high pressure washers, it'll keep them clean if they start clean but won't clean then if they start dirty.

My new Touareg has 25w HIDs which don't need washers, it's over that where its mandatory, but still find that even clean water spots scatter the light so I get into the habit of wiping then clean every time I stop.

Things you don't see anymore... - FoxyJukebox

I would love it if my next new car would have

1) No reversing "warning" bleeps

2) Wind up windows

3) Single speed windscreen wipers

4) An ignition key that actually unlocks the car manually

5) A starting handle

6) A spare wheel

Things you don't see anymore... - Engineer Andy

Can't argue wuth No.6 there - probably, alongside electronic parking brakes (for the love of God, why? What was wrong with handbrakes? Electronic parking brakes also use battery power [essentially fuel] - hardly an 'environmentally-friendly measure?), the worst 'new feature' of modern cars is them having even the space-saver spares removed.

I wonder if, if you do get a puncture and have to use the 'space-saver' wheel/tyre, where does the original one go? If it can fit in the same space under the boot tray as the space-saver, then why can't we all have the option (or standard fit with a no-cost option for a space [weight] saver) of having a full-size spare; if not, are we supposed to stow a big, heavy, possibly wet/muddy tyre in the main part of the boot (messing that all up) or on the back seat if we're lugging lots of shopping etc home?

What a stupid idea either way, especially as the 'tube of goo' doesn't work or for very long (what happens on a Sunday when all the tyre outlets are closed or you're in the middle of nowhere and still are 50+ miles away from your destination? All this to save a few kgs in one area to be able to have more gizmos in another. I'd rather have the full-size spare.

Things you don't see anymore... - galileo

Absolutely right, Andy, the few kgs saved are of course to fiddle the EU emission and mpg figures, just as tyre pressure monitoring is mandated by EU rules.

I'm sticking to my 2009 i30 which had a full size alloy spare from new included in the price and none of these other unnecessary gizmos.

If I do have to replace it I'll consider a classic of some sort instead of new.

Things you don't see anymore... - ExA35Owner

The list of "extras." When buying an Austin pick-up (really a Morris Minor with an Austin badge) the late 1960s, the following were extras:

Seat belts

Spare wheel

Passenger seat


If you go back only a bit further, I think Land Rovers charged extra for door locks.

Things you don't see anymore... - FoxyJukebox

...and during the 60's and 70's--cars usually only came with a rear view mirror....all other mirrors( including the ridiculous front wing pig's ears) were extra....

Things you don't see anymore... - Wolfan

...and during the 60's and 70's--cars usually only came with a rear view mirror....all other mirrors( including the ridiculous front wing pig's ears) were extra....

You may regard them as ridiculous but that was what was available at the time and are perfectly adequate. Nothing looks more ridiculous or incongruous than the cars of that period that have been vandalised by the fitting of modern door mirrors by those who have same opinion.

Things you don't see anymore... - RT

...and during the 60's and 70's--cars usually only came with a rear view mirror....all other mirrors( including the ridiculous front wing pig's ears) were extra....

You may regard them as ridiculous but that was what was available at the time and are perfectly adequate. Nothing looks more ridiculous or incongruous than the cars of that period that have been vandalised by the fitting of modern door mirrors by those who have same opinion.

Wing mirrors are better than door mirrors, they can be seen more easily when looking ahead - door mirrors need a head-turn either way - but the driver's mirror needs to be reachable from the seat or remotely adjustable.

Since all but bargain basement cars have electric mirror adjustment, why can't they use wing mirrors?

Things you don't see anymore... - bathtub tom

Wing mirrors are better than door mirrors, they can be seen more easily when looking ahead - door mirrors need a head-turn either way - but the driver's mirror needs to be reachable from the seat or remotely adjustable.

Since all but bargain basement cars have electric mirror adjustment, why can't they use wing mirrors?

I think you'll find it was an EU directive that stated mirrors should be adjustable from the driver's seat.

For a short time there were wing mirrors adjustable by a bowden cable, but I assume it was cheaper to fit door mirrors.

Sadly, everyone now seems to call all mirrors 'wing' mirrors, even those muppets that present F1. When did you last see wings with mirrors on an F1 car?

Things you don't see anymore... - RT

Wing mirrors are better than door mirrors, they can be seen more easily when looking ahead - door mirrors need a head-turn either way - but the driver's mirror needs to be reachable from the seat or remotely adjustable.

Since all but bargain basement cars have electric mirror adjustment, why can't they use wing mirrors?

I think you'll find it was an EU directive that stated mirrors should be adjustable from the driver's seat.

For a short time there were wing mirrors adjustable by a bowden cable, but I assume it was cheaper to fit door mirrors.

Sadly, everyone now seems to call all mirrors 'wing' mirrors, even those muppets that present F1. When did you last see wings with mirrors on an F1 car?

Yes - I know it was EU Directive - either reachable from driver's seat OR remotely adjustable - my point was that since so many cars no have electric mirrors, why not put them back on the wing.

F1 mirrors are designed to have a small aerodynamic effect, wings in their own right.

Things you don't see anymore... - bathtub tom

The list of "extras." When buying an Austin pick-up (really a Morris Minor with an Austin badge) the late 1960s, the following were extras:

Seat belts

IIRC their fitment was made compulsory in '68 with retrospective fitting back to '65.

Things you don't see anymore... - RT

Seat belts

IIRC their fitment was made compulsory in '68 with retrospective fitting back to '65.

I wasn't aware of the retrospective fitting requirement - very uncommon to require retrospective fitment of anything new

Things you don't see anymore... - alanemids

Remould tyres.

Things you don't see anymore... - Big John

Crossply tyres

Things you don't see anymore... - focussed

Remould tyres.

You can still get remoulds if that's your thing.


Things you don't see anymore... - ExA35Owner

The list of "extras." When buying an Austin pick-up (really a Morris Minor with an Austin badge) the late 1960s, the following were extras:

Seat belts

IIRC their fitment was made compulsory in '68 with retrospective fitting back to '65.

They were compulsory but were not included in the price on the price list: a compulsory extra....

Things you don't see anymore... - Bilboman

Coat hangers bent into shape (usually a diamond!) shoved into the hole left by a snapped-off aerial.
And of course, the aerials themselves, manual or electric. Anyone remember the special anti-vandal "key" to release the aerial from its hibernating position? Which of course meant that we'd either forget to extend it BEFORE setting off or leave it permanently extended only for it to rust into place in a couple of months.
I remember feeling peeved when my company Vectra "B" hatch aerial was stolen one night. It was one of the then new short screw-in types which every car seemed to have fitted new (and nicked shortly after!) - except for the Vectra saloon, which had an aerial built into the boot. That stopped 'em!

Things you don't see anymore... - dimdip

I remember feeling peeved when my company Vectra "B" hatch aerial was stolen one night. It was one of the then new short screw-in types which every car seemed to have fitted new (and nicked shortly after!)

Yes, had one pinched from my Golf mk3 GTi. Why did scrotes nick them? Perhaps it was like a pyramid scheme where everyone got theirs nicked so nicked other people's to replace their own...

Things you don't see anymore... - RichT54

Scrotes will pinch anything. One of my BMWs had metal dust caps on the tyre valves. Came back to the car park one day and they were all gone!

Things you don't see anymore... - mss1tw

Not seeing but hearing, I remember as a kid I could tell a mk2 Fiesta by the engine noise instantly, and a diesel Transit from a diesel Transporter.

The two Fords mentioned above had very distinct engine noises for standard 4 cylinders work horses.

Things you don't see anymore... - Wackyracer

Not seeing but hearing, I remember as a kid I could tell a mk2 Fiesta by the engine noise instantly, and a diesel Transit from a diesel Transporter.

The two Fords mentioned above had very distinct engine noises for standard 4 cylinders work horses.

I used to like the sound of a Morris minor when you lifted off the throttle.

Things you don't see anymore... - John Boy

How long will it be before we can add drivers to the list?


Things you don't see anymore... - Engineer Andy

...or diesel-powered cars? Or VWs?

Things you don't see anymore... - smallcar
estate cars - particularly large fairly simple Peugeot and Volvo practical estates as default purchases by middle class people in nice houses. Now instead such houses are occupied by people with 2 £45k-60k cars outside...

Ordinary people driving ordinary cars eg cortina so/marinas now somehow those people are getting out of almost new £35k Audis and BMWs

A wide range of distinctively different cars especially cars with different technological approaches eg rear engined cars, citroens that went up on start up, audi five cylinders that sounded different, rover sd1 3500 v8 warbles, Saab turbos with a funny exhaust warble.

Cars you could see through easily and quickly recognise the driver because of no tinted glass, lower windows at the rear and narrow pillars.

Things you don't see anymore... - Wackyracer

Cars with badge bars or AA/RAC badges on the front grill. When I was young it was common to see cars with stickers of locations the owner had travelled to, stuck in the windows.

Things you don't see anymore... - dimdip

I used to like the sound of a Morris minor when you lifted off the throttle.

Ha, yes, a sort of good-natured 'phaarrrp'

Things you don't see anymore... - RichT54

Before they became self-service, filling stations used to have strips lying across the forecourt that sounded a bell when a car ran over them. The attendant would then emerge to fill up the tank. Didn't always work for motorcycles, though.

Speaking of which, there used to be special manually operated pumps for the old 2-stroke bikes. The attendant would set the petrol to oil ratio (25 to 1, say) on a dial and then work a lever up and down by hand to fill the tank. About 35p per gallon in the early 70s, I seem to recall.

And don't forget your Green Shield stamps!

Things you don't see anymore... - ED731PDH

Anything with a manual choke.

Things you don't see anymore... - bathtub tom

Anything with a manual choke.

Got some petrol-driven golf buggies with manual choke where I go.

Majority of folk using them haven't a clue what it's for.

Things you don't see anymore... - Wolfan

Things you don't see (or hear) anymore.

Distinctive gear whines and exhaust notes disappeared after the mid 60s, all syncromesh gearboxes and silencers filled with wadding instead of those previously designed with metal baffles put paid to these. This was the start of the inexorable demise of cars with any character. Over the subsequent years motorists have embrased a force fed bland and boring diet of the motoring equivilant of wrapped sliced bread led mainly by the Japanese and Germans, closely followed by the French with the Italians as usual leading from behind.. It is now impossible to identify the make or origin of any of the current crop of what passes as familly transport without seeing the badge except by the most dedicated of motoring anoraks. The ability to recognise the driver is also impossible as they are seated (not sat) so far behind the sloping windscreens as to make identification impossible, to those I know I apologise if I don't see you.

Things you don't see anymore... - thecloser

Graded band windscreens were very popular options on certain Ford models of the mid 80's (mainly Fiestas). A 5”/6” tinted strip along the top of the screen, gradually becoming less tinted lower down until the bottom half of the screen was completely transparent. Ford thought that they would become ubiquitous quite quickly. They disappeared without trace within about 18 months.

Things you don't see anymore... - RT

Graded band windscreens were very popular options on certain Ford models of the mid 80's (mainly Fiestas). A 5”/6” tinted strip along the top of the screen, gradually becoming less tinted lower down until the bottom half of the screen was completely transparent. Ford thought that they would become ubiquitous quite quickly. They disappeared without trace within about 18 months.

My 2011 Santa Fe had one, as well as tinted glass - it's a good idea!

Things you don't see anymore... - V69

Drivers squirting windscreens on the move out of Fairy Liquid bottles before washers became standard.

Morris Minor (and 1000s) owners wiggling screwdrivers through a hole made in the back of the glove box to coax a recalcitrant petrol pump back to life.

Things you don't see anymore... - ExA35Owner

The stick we used to keep in the door pocket of early Minis to hit the fuel pump and persuade it to work...