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Dad drove car write off not insured on my ibsuranc - Parrotgirlflies
So My dad drove my car I am fully comprehensive he is 3rd party to drive anyones car. I was in the car so at the time of the accident I just gave my details as we were in MY car. Some woman jumped the traffic lights and turned right into us completely writting of my car and making us hit a bollard. She admitted liability at the scene and I have an in car camera. My car was collected by my insurance and I told them what happened they never asked who was driving (This all happened yesterday) but I suddenly thought dad isnt on my insurance so it should go through his. We tried ringing his today but they say as he is 3rd party and he is not at fault they have no interest in the car. Seeing as he isn't on my insurance it will need to go through his butthe guy at my dad just left it as you cant do anything but then someone has written off my car and I have no car when we are both insured . My insurance has also already taken my car and if I tell them now my dad would only be third party bit not at fault. Are claims even paid out if you are 3rd party and not at fault? I don't know what to do
Dad drove car write off not insured on my ibsuranc - Falkirk Bairn

Your dad driving your car using his own insurance (if driving other cars allowed on his policy) for 3rd party cover is legal.

If he had hit something or someone his insurance would have paid the damage so is perfectly finel.

You were stationary and another driver hit you - assuming the other driver is insured (10% of drivers are not!) you get the details of her insurer and they will take your car away & repair it if the damage is modest cost OR write it off and will offer to pay you the current value of the car.

Your insurer has no part to play with the accident repair as your dad was not insured on your policy. Actually having your dad as a named driver can often reduce young driver's insurance premium - unless he has a bad driving record of lots of points/claimsetc

Dad drove car write off not insured on my ibsuranc - RT

Your father may have "driving other cars 3rd party" - but the 3rd party is the errant driver who ran into you.

Neither your insurer nor your father's will cover the damage to your car - his 3rd party cover only covers damage to the errant driver's car IF your father had been at fault.

You need to come clean to your insurer and have the errant driver's insurer pursued.

Edited by RT on 01/02/2016 at 07:52

Dad drove car write off not insured on my ibsuranc - slkfanboy

I suspect unless you phone and tell your insurance company the correct facts you prosecuted for insurence fraud. Should you not with draw the claim and the insurence company discover what you have done, you never get another claim payout by any company ever, as they always ask the question have you ever been done for insurence fraud.

Basically you need to contact the lady who hit your car and get her insurance company to fix your car.

Next time ensure the driver of your car is fully covered.

Dad drove car write off not insured on my ibsuranc - focussed

On my usual hobby horse here-

Why is the UK the only country in Europe where this nonsense about who is insured to drive a vehicle is tolerated?

Stop insuring drivers-start insuring the vehicle - then anybody is legally insured to drive it-just different levels of excess apply depending on whether the driver is the owner or a declared driver- If not a higher excess applies.

Dad drove car write off not insured on my ibsuranc - Falkirk Bairn

There are careful drivers, there are the "not so careful" and there are the idiots.

If every car was "any driver" then the basic premium for even 3rd party would be huge.

I have had the odd very minor bump & scratch that I have paid for out of my own pocket. I have had 2 /3 more serious bumps which were down to other people.

The effect is I have never claimed on my own policy in 50 years and as a result pay a low premium - Comprehensive £174 / year for a 2 litre auto CRV that I bought new 3+ years ago. I know of people paying £100 per month to insure a banger / runabout 3rd party due to their poor driving / accident record.

The OP sounds like she is a young driver and did not put her dad on the policy - ommission on her part. It looks likely she will get her car repaired by claiming on the 3rd party, assuming the 3rd party is insured.

Dad drove car write off not insured on my ibsuranc - slkfanboy

The goverment want us to insure cars because it simply to know which car is or is not insured.

Most people would like it to be them, so that they can drive any car. Unfortunately this type of insurance is to expensive these days and therefore we have what we have!

Dad drove car write off not insured on my ibsuranc - Brit_in_Germany

For my car in Germany, only my wife and myself are insured drivers.

Dad drove car write off not insured on my ibsuranc - focussed

For my car in Germany, only my wife and myself are insured drivers.

Yes but the basic third party liability part of the insurance is universal.