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Excessive steering wheel movement - dieselfreak
Its that Golf MK 2 GTD again, 1991 with 180k on the clock. When travelling in a straight line at lowish speeds (0- 20mph)the steering wheel moves from left to right quite noticeably, go faster and it goes off.

Car has original alloys wheels on it, and is not fitted with power steering. Anybody got any ideas on where or what to start looking for?

One idea put forward has been steering rack wear, how does one get this checked and how much to sort it (mega expensive or not)
any constructive advice greatfully recieved. Merry Xmas to all readers
Excessive steering wheel movement - Andrew-T
How long since an MoT? I reckon anything serious in the steering would be an automatic fail, and problems don't usually develop suddenly (unless something is working loose). Are there any odd noises?
Excessive steering wheel movement - simonsmith473©
Likely to be wear in the rack, steering balljoints, or steering column joint.
Excessive steering wheel movement - John S
Yep, came across this years ago on the Minor. Turned out to be the tyres - clearly had some sort of distortion. I believe this is unlikely to be a suspension problem - something must be driving the steering gear.

As a check try swapping the tyres front to rear.


John S
Excessive steering wheel movement - M.M
As John says....

Unless you are actually detecting free play whereby the wheel will move with the tyres static then a wobble induced into the steering is most likely to be tyres.

So common yet sadly folks spend out on driveshafts and wheel bearings before sorting the cheapest solution.

Excessive steering wheel movement - greaser pv
90% sure it's tyres
Excessive steering wheel movement - Simon
I know exactly what you are describing as I have driven a customers car that had this problem, when I worked in a garage. I can't tell you what the cause is but I am fairly confident that it is a tyre / wheel balance fault. If I was you I would take the car or just the front wheels to your local tyre fitter and get them to stick it on the balancing machine. If the wheel is out of balance or the tyre has become distorted then the machine will tell straight away. If it is out of balance but not much, they should be able to cure it with balance weights. Bbut if the tyres are distorted then no amount of balance weights will cure it and it will be a case of new tyres.