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Best Buy GPS/Sat Nav? - frmarcus
I'd like one to fit to my new car. It seems that this is done by attaching a GPS to something like a personal digital assistant (such as an iPaq). If anyone has suggestions about the best software/GPS/PDA or where I might get that on the net, I'd be grateful.
Best Buy GPS/Sat Nav? - smokie
Depends what you want it for. I researched this some time back and ended up buying nothing. The reason being that you can get something that calcuates routes; something that tells you where "safety" cameras are; where traffic hold ups are; but it struck me that no single device did everything.

So I am going to wait until the market matures then get something a whole lot cheaper than it is now.
Best Buy GPS/Sat Nav? - oldtoffee
I read some user reports from people who used this on their PDA's and it was pretty mixed but most said that recalculating routes and updating position took anywhere between 30 seconds to several minutes. Not much use I'd have thought if you're driving along at even low speeds - you've missed your turning! In-car fitted units seem to work so much better but until they come down in price I'm not in the market.
Best Buy GPS/Sat Nav? - A11DNL
Try this:


X-Type 3-litre Sport
Best Buy GPS/Sat Nav? - MickyFinn

TomTom Navigator is excellent better than my Uncles Jaguar XKR system much to his disgust. Clear voice prompts, re routing and clear maps.

Check it out
