I scrapped the fiesta in the end as I wasnt 100% satisfied with the deal.
Have decided to order a new mini. Thing is, i dont know where to buy it from. The dealers are a no go area as they give stupid discounts so am looking for an import agency.
First question is - Mini One or Cooper? think a cooper personally as insurance is only £100 more.
I found the best price at www.micronetshowroom.co.uk for a mini cooper including delvery for around £10,400. Thing is i havent heard of micronet - are they any good? This is the main reason for this post as its £400 cheaper than the one below!
Next best place was United Motors at £10,800 who have a really good track record. Anyone heard of them?
Also, whats the best colour in the mini - quite like the black with white roof.
I'm not sure,you will need to check but i think i have read some very bad things about micronet,possibly on this site earlier in the year with a link to a disscusion group someplace.
really? well i heard their delivery wasnt that special. I will hunt it down if theres info on this site.
Micronet's web site is the most professional looking and efficient of any importer's site I have yet seen. But all that glitters is not necessarily gold, so I've just followed T.Lucas's suggestion to search for "micronet" on this site.
There are several critical comments, but I thought the most worrying was the fourth paragraph of this link groups.google.com/groups?q=micronet+showroom&hl=en...3
I think HJ covers it well, but demand is falling, or rather production is catching up. I don't think some of the dealers out there will be able to continue with the steadfast attitude once there's little wait for one.
If you like enthusiastic driving, get the Cooper, no question. You'll get Sports Suspension which makes quite a difference to the handling. If you're more worried about power, remember that the One and Cooper have the same engine & drivetrain, separated by a little chip. I'm not certain, but I reckon Superchips or some such will soon enough have a mod. But the handling will be different.
I've seen MINIs on trade sales of Slough's website, but they're imports so be sure to go over the spec with a fine toothcomb to see if it matches.
As for colour, if you want contrasting Roof/Mirrors the Cooper is the only automatic choice, but I've seen a couple of Ones that have had the roof painted to give the cooper effect.
Seems to me that MINIs look more child-like and fun with the white roof and wheels (Cooper) and a bit more mature with the black roof. There's hardly any deep red ones about if you want something unusual. They're also deleting Silk Green so that'll be well unusual in a couple of years.
You'll not regret your choice! Had mine a week now and am absolutely loving it.
I've mentioned this before, and it's also in HJ's car-by-car breakdown (which I'm sure you've now read), but www.mini2.com is a tremendous resource. Post a question there and I'm sure you'll get a good response. Alternatively, mail me (Click my name above) if you want any specific details. I've got more knowledge pf the MINI that is probably useful or natural!
Oh, and just a thought.
Buy a One for 10,300, with sports suspension for £100/£150
Fit the 15" Alloys ~£250 or find a set of 16" runflats on alloys for sale (e.g. site above) ~£400
Get a chip for the car £?
You'll get the bulk of the Cooper for less than the full price. But then, would saving a couple of £00s be worth voiding the warranty?
This weeks papers carry full page ads, offering main dealers quoting low(ish) finance rates, put that into package, might persuade you to buy UK sourced.
Have you 'Built your own Mini' on the official website, could help too.Still better to seeit in day/night/twi light!
A girl turns around in our yard every day, in the dark red/black roof colours-VERY smart.
Still don't think they would have such good residual values with a Rover badge, unfortunately.
Thanks a lot everyone for your help. Its really good.
So far I have had a look at both the deals and i can get a Mini Cooper with metallic paint and UK Port delivery for £10,600 which i think is exceptionally good. I am in no rush for the car as am still learning to drive but will hopefully be through by january and will use my sisters car while i wait.
I am tempted to chance Micronet - their prices are stunning and I dont mind waiting a little bit longer if necessary. Also, I can setup a special account with a solicitor to pay my deposit directly to BMW and will receive a receipt to ensure the order has been placed. This is what they suggest instead of using a credit card where rates apply.
I have decided to go for the Cooper though - it makes a lot more sense. If i was after a more basic car I would get the cooper with the salt pack and tlc from the uk as the saving wouldnt be that significant, but i want a few options and it works out substantially cheaper than the UK price.
What are your opinions of my 'conclusion'?
"... special account with a solicitor to pay my deposit directly to BMW ..."
If I've read the small print correctly, Micronet charge £75 for this service. They also want full payment of the balance 10 days before delivery (unusual!), and another £75 if you want to use the solicitor facility to pay the balance.
Definitely don't pay by credit card. The 4% charge will wipe out most of your potential saving.
I still feel that the account is worth doing. One thing though, do i have to use their solicitor? my mum is a solicitor you see and do u think i could get around this? just a thought!
The 4% charge is awful so dont worry I wont. Most places I have seen have asked for full payment 4 weeks before delivery so it seems normal from what i have seen. However, do correct me on anything if im wrong.