iam confused with the term italian tune
What does this Tune do
How is it done
and what are the benefits from doing it
James Stephenson
it wont be the head gasket
it needs a good run down the motorway
all it is, is condensation thats formed in the rocker cover when the metal cools down
i have had the same prob gave it the italien tune
ran the car down the motorway doin 70-80in 4th rather than 5th clears all the cobwebs in the engine and burns off all the rubbish
try it
trust our oppinions
James Stephenson
I don't understand
No offence James, and I am not the worlds best, but can you at least check some of your spelling. It makes you sound a bit thick, and I'm sure your not.
(waits for slating.............)
Slating Part 1
James's spelling is improving and we should give marks for effort!
nothing wrong with my spelling its when i type fast then theres the prob
the aim of my post is to make people aware on how easy it is to get you're cars emission levels down etc before mot's so people know what they can do to keep theire car on the road
i know the basics because i have helped people out in other posts as you can see,,
contribute to help save the environment
James Stephenson
>>contribute to help save the environment
And how would thrashing the car before an MOT do that ?
that is the point of this topic to educate about italian tuning
good question
James Stephenson
i am confused with the term italian tune What does this Tune do
Clears out the cobwebs.
How is it done
By giving it a darn good thrashing.
I dont know about modern engines, but on older models a good fast run every now and again was considered necessary to blast out some of the carbon build up from the engines internals.
I doubt that it'll be very different with a modern engine, one that is, that has been used to tootle between the shops for 3 years and needs a good thrashing to wake it back up...
The Fiesta doesn't have this problem, I just take it up to 5,000 rpm now and again when accelerating onto the Tunstall Hope Road...beautiful! :)
The opel always goes better after a long trip (1000k's round-trip, mostly at 140-150 km/h).
As most of my motoring involves in-and-out of town, rare;y getting above 80, I can 'feel' the difference on the long runs - by the time i get to the toll bridge 100ks from home, (motorway all the way there) it is definitely pulling better.
Also, as we still use leaded fuel, the exhaust burns a lovely shade of grey!
a good additive to add to you're fuel tank is slick 50 complete fuel system cleaner
i added it to my tank on my fiesta then went to the motorway and blasted it down the motorway for about 40 miles one way and then 40 miles back plus its 20 miles to the motorway and 20 back from my house so i did 120 miles using slick 50
i got noticeable results which are :-
1. smoother idling
2. less fuel consumption
3. noticeable power loss fixed
those things are good considering all the rubbish about additives not working
Give slick 50 complete, a try i think its good tell me what you think
James Stephenson
How do you know it was the Slick 50 and not the blast down the motorway that did the trick? Next time the engine gets gunged up, throw in the Slick 50 and go to the local shops twenty times, switching off and allowing to cool fully between trips. I think the result will be different.
see what i mean no one believes that fuel additives work
not even the best fuels have as much cleaning properties as an additive
maybe people should try them they would get the same results
James stephenson
see what i mean no one believes that fuel additives work
I'm sure the additive you used did help, but as ChrisR mentioned, I bet the italian tune you did down the motorway also contributed.
Over the last couple of weeks all I've used my Vectra for is to commute to and from work (7 miles each way at no more than 40mph). By Friday it starts to feels a bit lathargic, but however in the last couple of weekends I've also had to do some fairly long trips (over 200 miles) which include motorway driving. Come Monday morning the Vectra is lively again - which is more than can be said of me at the thought of another week at work.