Over the past couple of weeks my 181k mile GTI gearbox has occasionally got stuck in third gear, requiring a quick pull on the gearstick to pull it out! Just driven it on a short journey tonight and it did again, pulled it out and now whenever I try to select third it grates quite badly!!! When the car is stationary it still selects all the gears without a problem. Does this imply that the above is a relatively easy fix or is it a little more terminal??? :-(
Could be the gear linkages/gear ball joints that are so worn that enagaging the gears is a problem. Open your bonnet and look between the bell housing and the bulkhead and there are a load of bushes/linkages and a large ball joint (about the size of a small golf ball) and if any of these have broken up it could be the problem. They are not expensive and a good VW specialist should be able to suss it if you are not keen.
Could be a worn ball joint. But if 3rd gear cannot be engaged but all the other gears are fine then it probably means 3rd gear synchomesh is worn out.