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Scrappy etiquette questions . . . - dimdip
Need to take a car to the scrapper and have a few questions I'd be grateful for advice on...

Roughly what can you expect to be paid these days? Does it vary with make/model/age? (Car is '93 Golf GTi.) Would a specialist pay more?

Is it legal to drive an MoT failure directly to the scrappy? Does it need to be booked in first?

Scrappy etiquette questions . . . - FotheringtonThomas
Roughly what can you expect to be paid these days?

Sixty quid, last time I heard (I have just rung up to ask - right now, yes, £60). Ring them up to confirm. If they're a real scrap merchant (like the one above), who deals in metal, you will probably get more than at a "breaker".
Does it vary with make/model/age?

With weight.

(Car is '93 Golf GTi.) Would a specialist pay more?

Dunno, probably not at a guess. Ring up and ask.

Is it legal to drive an MoT failure directly to the scrappy?

Yes, but it's non-endorsable/fixed penalty (this will be different if the car is dangerous).
Does it need to be booked in first?

Not IME, although telephone to see when it's likely to be quieter, in case you get stuck behind a few lorries. Take your log book along, and some ID, to smooth the way.
Scrappy etiquette questions . . . - Chris S
When I scrapped a Micra (a couple of years ago) most scrap dealers wanted to see photographic proof of identity.

They didn't want the original bill of sale, just the V5.

I got £50. Another dealer offered me £70 if the "engine and box were any good." I suspected he was going to put my car back on the road with a dodgy MOT so I declined.

Edited by Chris S on 09/12/2009 at 12:30

Scrappy etiquette questions . . . - Cliff Pope
Google search found this:

"Free collection - instant cash for scrap cars min of £50 paid for any scrap through out 2009 regardless of condition".

That's what I've always done. Take off any saleable bits, eg good tyres, then ring up a scrap man and he comes and picks it up.
I once got £100, then a few years ago I got nothing, now I understand the price is back up to nearer £100.
Scrappy etiquette questions . . . - bell boy
its £100 a tonne up here if you drive it to the defragg man
you need to take the v5
you need to get an end of life certificate,printed and automatically sent to the dvla as you collect your cash
do not put any junk in the car as they obviously dont like it
your car has to comply with traffic bylaws but technically you could tow an unmotable scrapper on a straight bar and get away with most offences,however its certainly not advisable to do this because most yards are easy pickings outside by local enforcement teams of different badged sheriffs with clipboards and names laminated on a string
be wary of using an advert from your local paper as often these people are not waste carriers,cannot issue you with an el certificate and ultimately you will be responsible for any infiringements of law once this car re-enters the used car market and is run by uninsured untaxed scroats,be aware these people might come back tomorrow and nick your dogs and gates too
Scrappy etiquette questions . . . - George Porge
These fetch £300 all day long on ebay, I know because I've been trying to buy one for a month......................................

Scrappy etiquette questions . . . - Armitage Shanks {p}
FT I am having one of my dim days!

You say
Is it legal to drive an MoT failure directly to the scrappy?

Yes, but it's non-endorsable/fixed penalty (this will be different if the car is dangerous

If is IS legal how can it be a fixed penalty? I thought the only time a NON-MOTd car could be on the road was en route to a pre=booked MOT test
Scrappy etiquette questions . . . - 1400ted
My local metal recycler takes cars...on the wieghbridge first and then off with the wheels...he don't not want no tyres......prints out weight and value, pays and you have to take the wheels and tyres away.

Scrappy etiquette questions . . . - bell boy
you have to take the wheels and tyres away.
>>>>>>>i wonder where most of those end up then seeing as nobody will take them
i remember i had 400 tyre casings to dispose of one year as our local guy had disappeared so i loaded them up to take to the farmers for covering sileage,anyway after a few farm door knocks the farmer said oi lard oil aff sum of those,put them over there,have you ever seen 2 men unload 400 tyres in under 3 minutes?
he came down shouting stop--------but it were too late we ad already done
Scrappy etiquette questions . . . - George Porge
have you ever seen 2 men unload 400
tyres in under 3 minutes?

Yes, drop the first tyre on its side 4 - 5 feet in front of you, bowl the rest of the tyres to land on the side of the tread furthest away from you, hit the sweet spot and they go like the wind. If you are the poor individual who has to catch and pallet them at the other end you end up with huge strawberry like holes on your shins
Scrappy etiquette questions . . . - FotheringtonThomas
FT I am having one of my dim days!
You say
>> Yes but

When I meant "No but". HTH.
Scrappy etiquette questions . . . - dimdip
Muchas gracias for the useful info and advice, gents. After mulling it over, I've decided to patch the car back up, MoT, and ebay it as a (just) going concern :-)
Scrappy etiquette questions . . . - bell boy
Muchas gracias for the useful info and advice gents. After mulling it over I've decided
to patch the car back up MoT and ebay it as a (just) going concern

Scrappy etiquette questions . . . - dimdip

oh not as a death-trap or rip-off; just make it legal and sellable as a spares or repair