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94 2.0 Ignition switch malfunction ??? HELP PLEASE - Paul K
Can any one help me please ? I have a 1994 Prelude 2.0i Auto which developed a problem today without any warning. The ignition switch turns on ok..... everything powers up, all dash lights etc. turn the key to the engine start position and engine fires up as usual first time............. when you then let go of the key to return to normal running position ...... all the dashboard lights go out and the engine stops ................... only way I can keep it running is to start engine and then keep rotational pressure on the key but turn it back only part of the way to stop the starter motor engaging. The car will then run normally but the minute you release the key all the dash lights go out and the engine stops.... can anyone tell me if this an ignition switch problem or an ignition relay problem??? any help would be appreciated.
94 2.0 Ignition switch malfunction ??? HELP PLEASE - elekie&a/c doctor
This does sound very much like ignition switch fault which is not uncommon on a few Honda models,noteably Accord/tourer and Crv .Fortunately the switch can be bought without the steering lock assy.hth
94 2.0 Ignition switch malfunction ??? HELP PLEASE - Paul K
thanks for assistance ............. any ideas where I might be able to locate replacement, have tried searching google ?
94 2.0 Ignition switch malfunction ??? HELP PLEASE - elekie&a/c doctor
Honda main dealer should be able to source this part, no problem.hth