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02 2.0 engine misfire - bantam1
Hi guys.
Hope someone can throw somelight on my problem.

my 02 plate mondeo diesel has developed a misfire at around 2200revs (60 to 70mph) under steady load.
Under acceleration the car seems fine but cruising at stated revs the misfire (ockering) develops if I push the revs upto around 2400 the hesitation goes away but as soon as you ease off it returns..the car also seems to be guzzling juice..

Running at slower speeds the problem doesnt seem to appear.. most of my driving is motorway driving so the problem is one i can done without..

thought train is heading towards injectors although someone has mentioned the turbo.
so any help greatly appreciated..


02 2.0 engine misfire - spikeyhead {p}
It could be any number of things. Take the engine cover off and if the underside is covered in soot then that's a likely indication of a split hose. Easy enough to fix.

If its not that, then the fueling system is so complex you'll need to find a decent diesel specialist to determine what's going on, otherwise you could well end up changing expensive parts randomly without any benefit.