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Car has never been serviced. What's it worth? - Frederick
My daughter was in a bit of a pickle a couple of years back and needed a car as a matter of urgency. I bought a new Fiesta for her - One third deposit, approx another third over three years and the rest as a final payment or return the car. I now find out that she has never had the car serviced since she has had it! So the option of handing the car back (a bad one anyway) has gone, but the chances of selling it I think have now diminished greatly.

Can anyone tell me in percentage terms what the car is now worth compared to the same car fully serviced?


{Header made less vague}

Edited by Dynamic Dave on 05/11/2009 at 19:18

Kids! - Statistical outlier
You'll probably find an idiot who won't check the service history who will take it off your hands. Get it valeted and serviced and get a 12 month MOT on it.

Not very ethical, but I'll bet it works. I take it that your daughter is still not in a financial position to take responsibility for her idiocy?

Kids! - Frederick
I take it that your daughter is
still not in a financial position to take responsibility for her idiocy?

Correct, unfortunately.
Kids! - jbif
I now find out that she has never had the car serviced since she has had it! >>

IMO, not much harm will have come to the car in two years. I think there are probably many other private motorists who do not get their cars serviced for years.
So the option of handing the car back (a bad one anyway) has gone, >>

Why? Have you asked/tried?
but the chances of selling it I think have now diminished greatly. >>

Not really. Get a full service done now at a Ford dealer, give it a full professional valet, and use the words in your ad "fully serviced by Ford and fully valeted Nov 2009". It will sell as if by magic!

Edited by jbif on 05/11/2009 at 18:56

Kids! - bell boy
could you enter it for the scrappage scheme?
Kids! - Armitage Shanks {p}
It is nowhere near 10 years old or were you pulling someone's leg?

Edited by Armitage Shanks {p} on 05/11/2009 at 19:27

Kids! - bell boy
Sorry AS i was having a blue sky moment
Kids! - Frederick
>> So the option of handing the car back (a bad one anyway) has gone
Why? Have you asked/tried?

I haven't as yet, but there are a few months left to go before the option is up. It does state in the terms and conditions that the vehicle should be maintained to Ford standards, etc, etc.
Kids! - Galaxy
I know a chap who drives a breakdown recovery truck for Green Flag. He informs me that cars break down and leave people stranded, not because they have been poorly serviced, but because they haven't been serviced at all! So, OP, it's not only your daughter who is guilty of this practice.

As a matter of interest, how many miles has she done in the Fiesta?

Kids! - DP
I've sold cars before with full service histories and buyers haven't even bothered to look through it. Servicing cars isn't even a consideration for a worrying number of people in this country.
Good advice above though - get a decent service done on it, and advertise it as just done. I bet it sells.
Kids! - rtj70
I know someone who had a PCP car and did a lot (loads) more miles than anticipated. The penalty at the end was so large he ended up buying it instead. Last I checked he still drives it so another good VW Passat. But the car must now be at least 5-6 years old.
Car has never been serviced. What's it worth? - Singlish
I do very much believe in servicing, however surely it is more important the car looks in good condition, never has been run low on oil, or water and has no siginificant faults!

When I tried to trade in my car the salesman didn't seem in a full service history, he based his valuation on book price.

Car has never been serviced. What's it worth? - FotheringtonThomas
Service it right now, and let her keep it, perhaps.

I'm afraid that the "get shot of it now and hope no-one asks/notices" brigade get right up my nose, BTW.
Car has never been serviced. What's it worth? - Statistical outlier
FT, completely see where you're coming from, but if his daughter is not able to hand back the car because of her idiocy, and she can't afford the balloon, what alternative do they have but to sell it? If it was hers then I would say she could just live with the consequences, but as she doesn't appear to be the owner, that doesn't really work.

Edited by Gordon M on 06/11/2009 at 11:40

Car has never been serviced. What's it worth? - Dutchie
I wouldt worry take the car to the dealer and have a full service ,and you make sure in future that she looks after her car.I keep a eye on my daughters car and when the first service is due i remind her .Or i take the car in myself no big deal.:)
Car has never been serviced. What's it worth? - Frederick
Hello again all - thanks for all your thoughts.

I think the first thing to do is get the car serviced and, as my daughter can't be without a car and has no money to speak of (divorced, two young children and she's doing a university degree course) I'll have to cough up the final payment as well. I must confess that I am more than slightly irked by all this as she has needed a lot of financial support from us over the years and it has had quite an effect on our savings (we are now retired and could have done with the extra).

Having said all that, you can't turn away from your children!
Car has never been serviced. What's it worth? - Dutchie
I understand you sentiments Frederick ,we have three growing up children and we still spend money to help out you are not alone.Have a word with her but its never easy take care.:)
Car has never been serviced. What's it worth? - Peter D
How many miles has it done, is there any oil left in it. Regards Peter
Car has never been serviced. What's it worth? - Alby Back
Just read your report HJ. So, if one had a vehicle to sell, but was in no hurry, it would be better to wait until the Spring now ?
Car has never been serviced. What's it worth? - ifithelps
...Just read your report HJ. So, if one had a vehicle to sell, but was in no hurry, it would be better to wait until the Spring now ? ...


I'm sure the trade can't wait for a Mondy with a million miles on the clock and a rusty old Ka.

Sell now or risk distorting the market. :)
Car has never been serviced. What's it worth? - Alby Back
Sell now or risk distorting the market. :)

Heh heh ! Yes , it did occur to me that one has to be mindful of the effect of our actions on the green shoots of our fragile economy.......

Equally, if I can look to make a few quid more by waiting a month or three that appeals to my deeply ingrained scots calvinist genetic heritage.

My wife wants her own SUV now. Of course you need such things in the wilds of the cheshire plain. She'll be getting a tattoo on the small of her back next I shouldn't wonder !
Car has never been serviced. What's it worth? - NowWheels
My wife wants her own SUV now. Of course you need such things in the
wilds of the cheshire plain.

I hope she's going to get it with bullybars and a gun rack. If you're going to do dangerous pointlessness, there's no sense in being half-hearted about it. ;-)
Car has never been serviced. What's it worth? - Alby Back
Good point. Anyone know where you could get Boudica style wheels / trims ???

Edited by Humph Backbridge on 07/11/2009 at 10:54

Car has never been serviced. What's it worth? - NowWheels
Good point. Anyone know where you could get Boudica style wheels / trims ???

Essex, I presume. Boudica came from East Anglia, and the tradition of modifying wheeled vehicles is reputedly still thriving in the southern part of that region.
Car has never been serviced. What's it worth? - sandy56
Pity the poor guy/girl who buys it

Buyer beware!
Car has never been serviced. What's it worth? - Martin Devon
What about the cars that are 'serviced' and the book is stamped, but done by a trainee or by a company who couldn't give a stuff or..................

Car has never been serviced. What's it worth? - bathtub tom
What about the stamped service books that are bought off fleabay?

Not that I'm suggesting anything to the OP.
Car has never been serviced. What's it worth? - Avant
Has she by any chance done a low mileage? I've no idea about Ford service schedules, but Minis don't need servicing for 2 years if mileage is below a certain figure. Worth checking mileage and the servicing schedule - if she hasn't lost it.

There's a lot to be said for a really simple pattern like Toyota's, that even my elder daughter, on her fourth Yaris, can remember - minor service at 10,000, major at 20,000 and so on. Very reasonable fixed price, too: certainly no more than others with less frequent but more extensice services.
Car has never been serviced. What's it worth? - Blue {P}
I believe that Ford still run on a 12 month/ 12,500 mile interval. Easy peasy :)
Car has never been serviced. What's it worth? - Optimist
I feel sorry for Frederick, but as far as I can tell he's shelled out everything for the car so far.

In that case it's been his car and, if it were me, I'd have checked it was getting serviced or had it done myself.