Here's one for Nanny - THe Growler
Here's one for the UK cellphone nannies. I will try to describe it. SMART Communications Inc is one of our country's four major telephone service providers. Its latest ad depicts Mr Lee, a well-to-do executive, negotiating a complex business deal at the same time as he negotiates a sinuous mountain road in the Southern Philippines.

He steers with his left hand while clamping his CP to his right ear with the other as he pilots his way effortless around high-altitude bends with stunning views over the landscape a long way below. Just as he is closing the deal, he rounds a precipitous bend, and his phone dies - no signal, out of range.

Ad states how in the past poor CP coverage from SMART's competitors could cost you business in areas where they lacked sufficient repeater installations, but how with SMART's new satellite responders you are now in range wherever you go.

Cut back to Mr Lee, still happily twirling his wheel round hairpins while closing his sale inches from the potential disaster the marketeers seem to have overlooked in this wonderful piece of non PC.

Close-out "wherever you are on the road, we stay with you" (that's if you stay on it, presumably...)

Change is inevitable. Progress is optional.
Here's one for Nanny - Tom Shaw
That sort of behaviour would cut no ice on the M25, Growler. To gain any cred there he would also have to be drinking a cup of coffee and overtaking on the hard shoulder.
Here's one for Nanny - blowpipe
Last month's sales figures propped on the steering wheel gives added kudos, although you've got to be careful not to slop the coffee over them.
Here's one for Nanny - Marcus
Not forgetting the one handed cocktail shaker signal to anyone who objects to being cut up by him.