I have a Rover 400 and I am very happy with it. However when I get out of the car, I hear a clanging sound on the passenger rear side wheel. It does it when I push down on it as well. I have tried the shock absorber test, and all is well.
Can anyone enlighten me?
Are the wheel nuts tight?
My Fiesta often seems to make a creaking sound as I get in or out, which I guess is the rear brakes (obviously the nadbrake is applied) it doesn't seem to do it if the brake's off.
'nadbrake' is that some sort of chastity device?
Hmmm... my usual glance over my post before I post it doesn't seem to have picked that one up :)
That was of course meant to be "handbrake".
Personally I think a nadbrake sounds quite painful!
It doesn't affect the cars suspension or anything of the such, im not really too worried though. Thanks for your suggestiong though
I agree with Blue Oval, it's probably just the nadbrake - sorry handbrake. My old Mk3 cavalier made the same noise and that was traced to the h/b cable rubbing on the back swing arm. Only did it when the cable was under tension - ie, when the h/b applied.
Used to have that problem on my Audi A4 after I washed the wheels and applied the handbrake. When I trie dto drive it next, a big crack. Decided the caliper/caper was sticking due to slight rust on the disk. When freed off no problems. Tried ususal greasing all pivots etc with no joy so had to live with it.
SOmetime shandbrake cables /pivots apply the disk pads/ drum shoes slightly unevenly and when the wheel/car is moved it all resettles with a bang. (Also had it on a 1946 Rover 16 but that is a different story..)
Sure no-one's trapped in the boot? Maybe very hungry & can't shout...................