03 2.0 Locking wheel nuts for 16 inch wheel - slugpug
I've encountered an annoying problem with my peugeot.
I cant undo the locking wheel nuts on my alloys. The special socket appears to have been damaged the last time I had some new tyres and now won't grip the nuts properly. It has 4 pins inside the socket and 1 seems to be bent and therefore I can't get any purchase on the nuts.
I presume these sockets are all different and I'm going to have a real headache removing my wheels..

Any suggestions?


Edited by Pugugly on 28/09/2009 at 08:19

03 2.0 Locking wheel nuts 406 HDI s 16 inch whee - steve_earwig
Stick "locking wheel nut remover" in Google.
03 2.0 Locking wheel nuts 406 HDI s 16 inch whee - jc2
Go back to the place that fitted the tyres!!!
03 2.0 Locking wheel nuts 406 HDI s 16 inch whee - Dynamic Dave
When I had a similar problem with a Vauxhall Cavalier.

See www.honestjohn.co.uk/forum/post/index.htm?v=e&t=53...3 for info on how I overcame the problem.

Also see the post after mine which suggests to make sure the wall is strong enough.

Edited by Dynamic Dave on 28/09/2009 at 18:20