Unlucky Cars - julie page
Anyone believe in unlucky cars?

Today I had an accident for the second time in m life and for the second time this year

A man cut me up on a roundabout then stuck his brakes on, I just touched is back bumper but he and his passenger have whip lash injuries - luckily for me I have a witness a retired policeman

Someone tried to break into it a few months ago

My mum had a Vauxhall Carlton, I think it was the mark 2, D reg. We went to buy a Nissan but it got sold and the sales man offered her this big red gleaming car at a bargain

It ran really well but just out of warranty it engine died, the replacement engine also failed two years later. It got broken into twice and someone crashed into it and drove off

Mum bought a new Rover and dad sold the Carlton through Auto Trader to a guy locally. That night he took it out for a drink and got done for drink driving.

When banned he sold it to a friend and the engine expired the day he bought it

Unlucky Cars - bell boy

have you seen this julie page?

or scroll down to the film about it
heres the link

Edited by bell boy on 08/09/2009 at 16:22