05 2.0 Engine Noise from Cold Start - slipyou1
I have recently acquired a 2005 Mazda 6 2.0 TS Diesel (hatchback).

Over the past week or so a rather worrying noise has surfaced when starting the engine from cold (i.e overnight). The location of the noise is around the drivers side under the bonnet. Its seems to be around the area of the fan belt/alternator. The noise seems to have got louder from a cold start over the past few days.

Once the car is driven for 0-30 seconds the noise gradually fades away to nothing. If the car is stopped and started again when the engine is still warm the noise is not really apparent.

Should I be worried and what could the problem be?
05 2.0 Engine Noise from Cold Start - Peter D
You have missed the important bit. The description of the noise. Or even a sound clip hosted on a site and a link to the clip. Regards Peter
05 2.0 Engine Noise from Cold Start - slipyou1
I dont have the ability to record/post the noise on the net however the noise is best described as a rattle along with a higher pitched noise a bit like metal parts rubbing together. Not a heavy metallic sound more a higher pitched one.

I even noticed the battery was making a noise too is that normal?

Sorry if this doesnt explain things brilliantly but its the best information I can provide.
As I said in my first post the noise gradually wears away after driving the car away, it stays prevallent if the car is left stationary.
05 2.0 Engine Noise from Cold Start - dieselnut
May just be the auxilliary drive belt slipping.
Try spraying some water on the belt while it's making the noise, but be very carefull not to get too close with your hands or clothing.
If the noise disapears the belt may just need tensioning or replacing depending on its condition.
05 2.0 Engine Noise from Cold Start - slipyou1
thanks for your advice dieselnut i will try that tommorrow morning.

Could your opinion of whats wrong be consistant with the problem as I described

(i.e. noise only bad when car started from an overnight cold start, and not when engine still warm)?
05 2.0 Engine Noise from Cold Start - bell boy
why not just take it back to the dealer?
or was it another caveat umpar special from a kerbside?
05 2.0 Engine Noise from Cold Start - slipyou1
"why not just take it back to the dealer?
or was it another caveat umpar special from a kerbside? "

not looking to take it back to the dealer, blame anyone just trying to find the solution to a car problem, but thanks for taking the time to help me identify what might be wrong.
05 2.0 Engine Noise from Cold Start - bell boy
ok then
are you sat down?
i think its the dmf
05 2.0 Engine Noise from Cold Start - Peter D
Well the battery pulls quite a not of current form the alternator immediately after starting so the belt may be slipping. Try turning all the lights and heate screens on to see it the noise gets worse. Can you explain the noise from the battery better. Regards Peter
05 2.0 Engine Noise from Cold Start - dieselnut
Could your opinion of whats wrong be consistant with the problem as I described

(i.e. noise only bad when car started from an overnight cold start, and not when engine still warm)?

Cold engine takes more out of the battery at startup.
The alternator then has to run flat out for a while charging the battery.
Have never heard noise from a battery other than gassing but if the charge is varying from maximum to nothing in a split second I guess it might.
Make sure the battery terminals are tight.
The alternator may also have a clutch leading to the knocking noise.
But start simple & check the belt first.
05 2.0 Engine Noise from Cold Start - slipyou1
"ok then
are you sat down?
i think its the dmf"

What brings you to that conclusion (the worst case scenario), perhaps you could explain as I am trying to remain pint half full here and not half empty?
05 2.0 Engine Noise from Cold Start - davecuk
Another suspect for that noise might be the water pump....it really does depend on the sound.
05 2.0 Engine Noise from Cold Start - Peter D
Do my test tomorrow morning and report back as that may be your problem. Regards Peter
05 2.0 Engine Noise from Cold Start - slipyou1
I did the test this morning and the noise immediately but only Temporarily go away. It did come back slightly again but then dissapeared as it normally does?

What do you think?
05 2.0 Engine Noise from Cold Start - slipyou1
The test i did was in reference to earlier post to spray the belt with water, turning all the electrical bits, lights heaters etc did not do anything.
05 2.0 Engine Noise from Cold Start - dieselnut
Inspect the belt for wear & cracking of the drive surface.
If worn, get it renewed & tensioned.
If the belt is ok just get it tensioned properly.
05 2.0 Engine Noise from Cold Start - Peter D
Yep it's a belt/tensioner issue. Regards Peter
05 2.0 Engine Noise from Cold Start - slipyou1
appreciate your thoughts, i will check this out further and let you know what the outcome is of any corrective action.
