Advice please! Cat C - seller didn't declare - icujimmer
First post here so hope in the right place
Saw a V reg Polo today (my potential first car!), liked it, had a local mechanic have a quick look at it and drive round the block - other than needing a couple of new tyres soon and some new brake pads, all looked rosie.
Left a £50 deposit (overall price is £1300) - said to vendor, would need overnight to do an HPI check and pick up funds etc.
Check the HPI ... and it says it is a Category C write off.
During our meeting, I had asked the vendor if it had ever been in an accident, he said no.
The mechanic also didn't spot anything that suggested there had been an accident.
But as a newbie to the world of motoring, feeling a bit worried, and not sure to go ahead or to get deposit back (vendor said it was HPI clear, but if it didn't clear it, he would give money back).
It also said 6 previous owners ... where vendor had told me two.
Any thoughts or advice please!? Feel a bit out of my depth!
Thanks in advance.

Edited by Pugugly on 09/08/2009 at 11:11

Advice please! Cat C Polo seller didn't declare - the swiss tony
get deposit back, then walk away.
Advice please! Cat C Polo seller didn't declare - Altea Ego
yup get your money back and wave that car good bye

Advice please! Cat C Polo seller didn't declare - Lygonos
Walkie walkie
Advice please! Cat C Polo seller didn't declare - bell boy
your mechanic passed it as ok
the price is right
the vender lied
ask him why and take your deposit back
6 into 2 dont go
Advice please! Cat C Polo seller didn't declare - the swiss tony
just thinking on what BB and the OP said... looked ok... i spose that means no signs of accident repair... could it be a ringer?

still walk... in fact RUN (with your deposit)
Advice please! Cat C Polo seller didn't declare - Miller
Many years ago I went to look at a Fiesta. Looked fine, seller asking £1000 less than book price "Never been smoked in, its already been HPI'd by me" etc.

I went for a HPI check anyway, turned out to be a write off by fire. Never trust anything a private seller tells you.......
Advice please! Cat C Polo seller didn't declare - BobbyG
Is £1300 really the going rate for a V Reg Polo? Instinct would have said nearer the £500 to £750 territory?
Advice please! Cat C Polo seller didn't declare - daveyjp
My sister just sold an X reg Fiesta for £1600, so £1300 for a Polo doesn't seem OTT.
Advice please! Cat C Polo seller didn't declare - L'escargot
One in three used cars has a dodgy history.

Edited by L'escargot on 09/08/2009 at 08:49

Advice please! Cat C - seller didn't declare - icujimmer
PS ... Thanks for the tips!
I walked away and got my deposit back - instantly felt better.
Cheers, J
Advice please! Cat C - seller didn't declare - Rattle
Think yourself lucky its only £50. I lost £100 from a rogue dealer, I almost went ahead until somebody I trust a lot told me the guy is a well known 'rogue'. The dealer sold the car a week later to somebody down the road from where I live. I used to see the car almost every day driving around, I didn't buy it as when I went to see it after giving my deposit with my dad the guy suddenly became very very shifty the the engine was running and smoke pouring out of the back despite fresh MOT. He told me its just condensation not after the engine been run for an hour.

I walked away loosing £100. Last time I saw the car it looked like it was powered by a steam engine. Never seen so much smoke. Not seen it for over 6 months now. So I glad I didn't buy it, the HG had obviously failed and as all the service history was done by the same guy I reckon its all fake.

I lost £100 deposit, saved £1000 on having a new engine fitted.

Hopefully in your case it is a lot clear cut as with me I could not prove anything it was all suspicions but in your case he has told lies and clearly broken the law. Trading standards will back you up and I am sure you can get your £50 back.

Advice please! Cat C - seller didn't declare - mike hannon
If I were you I'd use a different mechanic to do the checks next time.
Advice please! Cat C - seller didn't declare - Collos25
I don't see that why is it the mechanics fault cat C could be the smallest of damage there are loads of cat C cars kicking around it only needs a new front bumber and headlight on such an old car for the insurance to write it off.The car could have been perfectly ok the fact the seller lied is the only suspicious part and he may not have known himself.
Advice please! Cat C - seller didn't declare - mike hannon
Maybe I expect too much, but I would hope that someone I was paying would spot new paint or overspray or replaced components, even if the work had been done some time ago.
Advice please! Cat C - seller didn't declare - Another John H
>>cat C could be the smallest of damage....

I'd disagree - surely that's cat D:

"A damaged vehicle which the insurer has decided not to repair, but which could be repaired and returned to the road".

I understand cat C to be:

"An extensively damaged vehicle which the insurer has decided not to repair, but which could be repaired and returned to the road".

The key word for me is extensive.