Is there a known problem with the engine mounts with the 1.4 petrol? My dads 206 has had 5 or 6 sets of engine mountings, some only lasting a couple of months. The car is a 2000W model and owned from new. Peugeot keep saying there is a new design, but are they just poor.
I had a 206XS on a W reg, bought secondhand. I only had it for three months and it had two sets of engine mounts. I complained loudly and swapped it for a newer X reg 306 1.4. A much better car, if a little underpowered on the motorway.
Not bad, a month to get a reply. I drive a Xsara 1.4, try Optimax if you want better motorway performance. It worked for me.
I use synthetic oil as well, not sure if it makes a difference when changed frequently, but I can get the correct spec synthetic for very little more than semi-synth.
I had one on hire a soon after the 206 was launched here. I suspected that I'd broken an engine mount or two in the few hundred miles I drove. Engine felt to rock about 2 feet on accell, decell.
Horrible driving position too.
Sorry Bennyboy - only just discovered these forums on HJs' site!!
I was going to try Optimax, but it seems a bit pricey!! How many miles have you clocked up in your Xsara? I've got 41,000 on an X-reg 306 and thinking that it might be time to change soon. There is also the factor of a new job, leading to more money. I've got my eye on a 406 Coupe...
The other problems with my 206 included: A passenger seat that wouldn't go back fully, problems with the door opening and minor trim niggles. Overall the driving position was very bad for somebody my size (6'1", long legs!). As a relatively high mileage driver (25000pa commuting only) I need a comfy car!
I'm similar build to you, 6'2" and long legs, which meant that there was no comfortable compromise between legs and arms distance from pedals and wheel. But the driving position was also horribly offset, AIR, wheel to the left and pedals to the right of centre.
I don't think there is any excuse for building such an ergonomically dreadful car as the 206.
Bits of trim fell off as well.
I agree the 306 is far better, an older design and great fun to chuck about. Strange how Peugeot have got worse. The 307 is a waste of space. How can such a large car have so little useful room?
Rant over
The pedals were also too close together! After 5,000 miles the main dealer agreed to buy it back and I got a 306. The 307 is far worse - I had one as a courtesy car and it felt woefully underpowered and boring. Whereas the 306 is a real drivers car, never failing to inspire confidence. I am seriously tempted by the HDI, but I think the 406 Coupe might still win despite its poor fuel economy!
I also think the 206 has a bad driving position, I'm not keen on the 307 when I sat in the showroom. I love my Xsara (could do with more power), the Citroen C5 is high on my list of possible replacements.
My Xsara only has 23,000 miles in 3 years, I bought it at 18 months with 3,800 miles. Some concern about the catalytic converter and all those short journeys, but it has sailed through the MOT with really low emissions.
I like the 406 coupe, I imagine the 2.2 HDI would be good.
I drove a 2.2 HDI auto C5 the other week and it was fantastic, but £5000 more than I could even think about spending.
Ben (one day I'll own a powerful diesel large french car)
Sorry for going off topic, maybe we should rename this thread "The relative merits of PSA cars"
I have to agree with these sentiments, though I know nothing about driving a 307. All the critics pan the 206 pedal layout, but I also disliked the num-bum seats in the Garros, couldn't stand (sit) them after 2 months. Swopped it for a 306 HDi - much better, and 57 mpg as well.
Is there a known problem with the engine mounts with the 1.4 petrol? My dads 206 has had 5 or 6 sets of engine mountings, some only lasting a couple of months. The car is a 2000W model and owned from new. Peugeot keep saying there is a new design, but are they just poor.
have a look at this site.
This is a known problem.
My dad's 206 had many problems (see above), finally a replacement driveshaft cured that. Oh, just for 250 miles, then the rattle and vibration came back.
If you can afford it, sell the car. I predict that 206 prices will take a massive hammering in the next year when many used examples hit the used forecourts and more problems surface.
I have had problems with the RH (driver's side) engine mount on my 106D (Don't know if it's the same as the 206). In their Gallic wisdom, the rubber is in tension; the engine hangs off an inverted mount. Eventually it sags, and the engine bearer hits the chassis - splendid noises on a diesel. I didn't even bother with the dealer. Some washers under the mount and longer bolts have cured it, although I had to do this in two stages. It's been fine for the last year or so, raised about 3mm. Obviously a French wobbler - wonderful engines though.