In my \'new\' Vectra I have a couple of \'big\' fuses. They are about 4 times the size of the little ones I am used to. I thought to carry spares until I found they are £3 each - and I don\'t plan on using them so that would be a waste of 3 pints of beer or so if I bought them.
My question is. Is there anything wrong with using 6 pieces of 5 Amp old fuse wire together to replace a 30 if it blows and 8 pieces to replace a 40? I am aware that there are a variety of \'surge protection\' and \'time delay\' fuses - but is the lump of low melting point metal in a 30 A fuse that sophisticated that it can not be replaced by \'fuse wire\' - at least to find out if a short has occurred that would immediately blow any £3 replacement?
I don't see any problem with using the fuse wire as you mention, as long as you use the correct type of wire (long/fast blow). The problem you will have will be actually fastening the wire to the connectors in the fuse box since with blade type they are female.
I wouldn't recommend using the wire - for the sake of £3 it is not worth the risk and would probably invalidate your warranty.
Which pub sells 3 pints for £3?? Let me know please! The University bar isn't even *that* cheap!
I suggest you preview your postings before sending them - this is a nightmare to read!
In the good old days we used to use a bit of silver paper from a fag packet if a fuse blew. Thank goodness we never had a fire!
Thanks for the advice on fuses and punctuation. Nice to see you use the ' - ' as a 'pause for breath here' too.
Pubs charge more than £1 a pint here but you can get a good pint for £1 at the spermarket - although they do look at you a bit strange if you drink it there too. Now in Bristol and the South Wales Valleys the £1 pint is alive and well in the pub too.
Fortunately the fuse connectors are male so there will be no problem fixing the wire.
There is a substantial possibility that the fuse will blow at a lot lower rating than the combination used.
ie 5 * 5 will not equal 25, but may end up as low as 15A, due to the current not being shared equally between the wires
There is a substantial possibility that the fuse will blow at a lot lower rating than the combination used. ie 5 * 5 will not equal 25, but may end up as low as 15A, due to the current not being shared equally between the wires
Would the same apply if they were twisted together?
Possibly, but then you would reduce their exposure to the air, so their abiility to cool is reduced. Its been a few years since I did any real study on fuses, and it is a fascinating area. Encapulated fuses take away the variabilities of passing air currents, which can easily cause 5A fusewire to run for hours at double its normal rating.
I find fuses so scary that from a proffessional point of view I only ever design in the electronic ones, but I'm not generally dealing with a system where vibration over years can cause wiring to short circuit
How big are these fuses? If they are 27mm wide then the following company might have the right replacements (82p each)
If not they might know someone who has....
Thanks all for the advice and information. I could have just paid £6.50 for a pair of fuses that would either not be used or which might blow immediately I remade the circuit - but this is far more interesting. The 'unfortunate' bit about the 82p fuses is that postage is £3.25 - still 82p does seem a far more reasonable price than £3ish. (Although its still probably about 81p more than they cost to make.)
I have put a yard or so of 5A in the boot and hope I will not have to use it.
I have resorted to a few strands of freshly salvaged speaker caable in order to get home, but this is not recommended.