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escort 1.3 hcs - bill
I've got a 93(L) escort 73,000 on the clock.I've only had the car since february.
Slowly but surely, upon start up, i'm getting copious amounts of blue smoke, lasting for about thirty seconds, then it's ok.I've had to top it up with about five litres of oil over the past five weeks.
I took it to a local garage this morning expecting him to tell me that the valve stem seals had gone.
he didn't tell me that, he said that a piston ring was the problem.With hindsight i would not have bought anything with an H.C.S. engine in it, as i now believe this is the worst engine Ford have ever used.
So i asked him would it be possible to replace this engine with a 1.3 CVH , he said i could do it but when the m.o.t came around it would be tested as an (L) plate and therefore would fail on it's emissions.
So it would seem to him that my only option would be to replace the engine with another H.C.S. lump.
My thinking is that it's not the piston ring/s that have worn but the stem seals.
If anyone could enlighten me more i would much appreciate it.
escort 1.3 hcs - John S
As regards the MOT I assume the problem is that the HCS has a cat, whereas a CVH would be from an earlier car, and not be cat equipped. Therefore the engine would fail the MOT, as your car is of an age that needs a cat. Any replacement engine would need to be from a cat equipped car, but the changeover to, say, a zetec may not be easy.

As for the current engine,you don't state the mileage covered per week, but a litre a week does sound more like rings than oil seals. The weaknes of the pushrod Ford HCS (Valencia) engine has been a regular topic here I'm afraid.


John S
escort 1.3 hcs - bill
my mileage would be roughly 110 miles per wk, not much is it?
am i right in thinking that the burning of oil will eventually destroy cat converter.
oh the wonderfull world of Ford!!
escort 1.3 hcs - Carl2
The only realistic choice seems to be to fit an exchange hcs engine or sell the car. These engines are old fashioned but would easily surpass 73000miles with regular servicing ( must be one of the easiest/cheapest cars to maintain). This car is not designed to be driven hard but for cheap and chearful motoring it fits the bill perfectly. You should have no trouble locating a replacement engine after all they are still fitting it to the KA.
escort 1.3 hcs - Peter D
You say you have smoke at startup. Well if the rings were the real culprit oil has learnt to flow uphill, your angine is standing, say overnight, and oil may seep down the worn out oil seals but not enough oil would seap up past the oil control and compression rings to give you the problem. However your litre per 110 miles is alarming and must show in your exhaust smoke emmissions and is polluting you CAT. Either your seals are well away or you have a combination ob problems here.

You should check to ensure your crankcase ventilation is corect you may be building up a positive pressure during normal driving and forcing the oil into the combustion chamber.

Loog at your plugs is they are completely normal and all very similiar I suggest you are burning the oil in and around the exhaust valve stems, if they are well oiled then she needs to come apart and you'll need to put your hand in your pocket.

Good Luck

escort 1.3 hcs - M.M

I think you have a combination of valve stem oil seals and piston/bore problems. You tend to notice the oil burnt from the stem seals first but in running you might not notice the oil burnt from the rings.

Both are common faults with these engines, mainly because of infrequent oil changes, short runs etc. If the oil was changed from new at 6K or 6mth intervals (regardless of mileage) then it should have gone on as well as many other engine types.

Be very very wary of buying a second hand engine to replace it...they will all be about the same, or at least not far away from similar problems. A decent exchange is possibly the best best bet, at least they are a cheap engine to source compared with the more advanced types. About £500 compared with £1000 for a 1.4 Rover K-Series if you had a 214 of a similar age to your car.

Good luck anyway.

David W
escort 1.3 hcs - Richard Hall
Bill, I don't know whether these people are any good, but they certainly seem to know their Fords. They quote £556, rebuilt in a day and you can watch them doing it. www.specialisedengines.co.uk/hcs/dir6.html

Richard Hall
escort 1.3 hcs - Big Vern
Bill, I don't know whether these people are any good,
but they certainly seem to know their Fords. They quote
£556, rebuilt in a day and you can watch them doing
it. www.specialisedengines.co.uk/hcs/dir6.html
Richard Hall

Almost makes you wish you had a dodgy ford to give them a go... why are there not more places like this?
escort 1.3 hcs - Miller
Surely though £550 is more than the trade in value of the car, would this make financial sense unless it was in immaculate condition?
escort 1.3 hcs - bill
thats my predicament exactly, the cars not exactly mint condition, also it's a bit too far for me , i'm in manchester.
I believe halfords sell a paste made by holts, that is said to be a temporary cure, whether this works or not i dont know, has anyone ever used it? and does it work?
anyway thanks to everyone who replied,
the info was much appreciated.
escort 1.3 hcs - jc
I had a Fiesta with 1.1 Valencia engine(basically the same);this started to use oil at around 100k;I fitted a new set of std. rings and the engine was still running well when I sold the car at 155k.On this engine,the work can be done in the car,just remove head and sump and no complicated drive belts etc.-lot to be said for them.
escort 1.3 hcs - bill
thanks everyone for your replys , you've been most helpfull.