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Galant UnGalant behaviour - 84026
Our "L" reg Mitsubishi Galant 2L. manual occasionally misbehaves.
When pulling away from a stand at low revs the engine will cut out. It won't restart but will after being left alone for 30 seconds. This occurs very infrequently, twice so far this year.
More recently whilst at a constant 4000 rpm in 5th gear the engine just cut out, the rev counter dropped straight to zero even though the engine was being driven by the wheels. After a while on the hard shoulder the car started and ran properly.
The car is becoming difficult to start first thing in the morning taking over 15 seconds to start, once started it runs and will restart properly. This fault is getting worse.
We have also noticed a slight "hunt" developing on the cruise control.
Our Mitsubishi dealer confidently predicted a new Distributor cap and Rotor arm would cure the faults. £100 later and the difficult starting is slowly getting worse. The other faults occur so occasionally I don't know if they are cured. The Mitsubishi dealer is now suggesting a new distributor, these cost about £600 fitted and don't include a new cap and rotor arm. I haven't the confidence to take a £600 gamble as if that fails apparently the next one is £900 on a new ECU.
Has anyone experienced the same fault(s)?
Can anyone suggest a cure?
Should I keep going until it stops completely making diagnosis easier?

Galant UnGalant behaviour - John S

The one thing it was not going to be was a distributor cap! The fact the tacho dropped to zero when the engine cut indicates the low tension side of things had failed, which is the source of the tacho input, not the high tension. So, low confidence level in the dealer.

I'm not an expert in the details of this system, but for that age of car I'm assuming it has an electronic ignition system associated with an otherwise conventional distributor. If so, it sounds to me like the pick up in the distributor, the ignition amplifier or similar is starting to fail. Could just be the coil going open circuit on the Low tension side, but I doubt it. Yes, if it stops dead diagnosis may be easier.


John S
Galant UnGalant behaviour - Andrew Moorey (Tune-Up)
Mitsubishi distributors and ECUs are not the most reliable. bba-reman in kent can supply reconditioned units, and they will also arrange courier collection and delivery. I have no connection with this company, just a satisfied user.