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C3 Opinions - Citroënian {P}
Just been out for a test drive in the new C3, thought I'd share my opinions with you.

The car was the 1.4 HDi Exclusive, and therefore had the complete set of kit, with climate and cruise control.

I'd sat in the C3 in the showroom a couple of months back and couldn't get my 6'2" cuddly frame comfortable, but in this car I fitted just fine. The only downside is that with me in the front seat, you can forget about anyone else sitting behind as there was very little legroom left.

Rear visibility is a bit iffy when reverse parking, the back pillar (C?) being quite wide and the headrests obscuring the view further. The side mirrors were good and it wasn't too difficult to park, although after driving a LWB Transit for the past couple of days I'm used to not seeing out of the back window.

The car drove very well, and the engine was very impressive pulling strongly from low speeds in the first three gears and the car felt quite secure at motorway speeds and on potted country roads. It seemed to stick to the road quite well, but didn't have quite the secure feel of say the Saxo VTR when throwing the car around - Then again, the ZX Aura never felt quite as chuckable as the ZX Volcane so perhaps we should await a sportier version before making final judgements on the chassis.

As with all car using digital speedos, I found the accuracy to be distracting, but absolutely loved the rev counter. It reminds me why I like Citroens as the half clock face pointer across the entire binacle is something most manufacturers wouldn't even consider using (waits for the inevitable contradiction!). If you've not seen it, it's as funky as the speedo on a Vauxhall Viva, but rounded.

The equipment level is excellent, having everything I recall the old Jaguar Sovereign had in terms of buttons to press with the exception of electric seats. Very impressive in a small car I thought.

The boot wasn't huge (then this is a small car), and I can't see the benefit of the split boot system, but the cabin feels spacious and airy from the driving seat and quite comfortable.

So would I buy one? Well, I loved the car but the argument against it was parked next to it in the showroom. The dealer was doing new Xsaras for £8995, and even the entry C3 HDi is £5 short of £10k. Given a bit of time, and Citroens agressive pricing I think the C3 is worthy of serious consideration having the flair and technology to match and surpass most cars in the same bracket, IMHO. And it might just be enough to talk me out of the MINI Diesel when it comes to buying a knackered old car (to replace a knackered old car) in 6 years time.

...Takes corners beautifully
C3 Opinions - M.M

Excellent report. Now if that isn't a User Road Test for Technical I don't know what is!

So that's why I moved it here ;-)


David W [Moderator]
C3 Opinions - Toad, of Toad Hall.
Any small car that can effortlessly exceed the stalling speed of an inverted fast jet is all right by me... ;-)

Parp, Parp!
C3 Opinions - Citroënian {P}
Yes, I'd agree. But what is that advert all about? A parallel with the cockpit of a fighter jet or just the sort of thing you get now and again down the A66 through the Northern Lake district?!

A bientot,
...Takes corners beautifully
C3 Opinions - des
did you see the review on 5th gear a few weeks back ?
build quality was terrible
cant see the attraction with french cars,quirky c***
do yourself a favour and buy anything german
C3 Opinions - Dizzy {P}
The C3 1.4 HDI's biggest problem is the Yaris D-4D

Agreed, but the Citroen's ride quality must be heaps better than that of the Yaris. I still think that the Skoda Fabia has the best of both worlds - excellent build quality AND a good ride.
C3 Opinions - madman
Just picked up a new C3 SX yesterday rith the 1.4 HDI 16 valve engine. 92 bhp, 148 lb torque and about the same economy as the 70 bhp version. The only problem is that it was supplie with the aircon not working. As i am running in at the moment I am restricted to 3000 rpm (90 mph in top) and gentle acceleration, I cannot comment on the performance yet. I part exed my 406 HDI 110 and don;t think I;ll regret it. If anyone is interested I will follow up with fuel consumption figures and a running report as the days go by. I cover about 350 miles a week and expect the engine to be fully loose at about 5000 miles.
C3 Opinions - Clanger
On Madame's behalf, I am poised to order a C3 SX HDi 90 in misty lilac. We enjoyed the test drive and I've nothing to add to Lee's report.

I'll be sorry to see the AX go after its 70K virtually trouble-free miles in our ownership. At 110K it still doesn't use any oil and there's years of life yet in its second set of tyres.

Wish me luck!


A bird in the hand - could be inconvenient.
C3 Opinions - Citroënian {P}
I can't help but wonder that all this technology will be nothing other than hassle a few years down the line.

That said, I guess if you're buying the car new, they're nice to have. You'll probably end up taking a broken C3 Sensodrive to a main dealer as no-one else has a clue what to do with it, so the dealers are happy. Dealers use citroen parts, so Citroen are happy.

Perhaps it's just miserly skinflints trying to pick up a bargain (like me f'instance) that are going to lose out.

Does anyone actaully use the buttons beyond the first week and showing off to their mates? I reckon most people will put it into auto and forget.

Still here
...Takes corners beautifully
C3 Opinions - Richard Hall

Couldn't agree more. There are a few manufacturers who are determined to go down the route of loading their cars down with electronic gizmos, when past experience should have told them that this is a bad idea. Specifically, Citroen, Alfa Romeo and Fiat. Perhaps I should retrain as an auto electrician - there's going to be a lot of work out there in a few years time for people who understand these things.

Richard Hall
C3 Opinions - blank
I would like to respectfully suggest that if one wants to "go really quick" the best way would be to spend the £12495 on something faster than a C3.

I'm with the luddites!