Road rage - moi? - Rita
I was reminiscing with a friend over the old Aussie Shiraz, as you do, and began telling her of the time that one of my then young teen-age daughters had to appear in court.

My husband, myself and our two youngest daughters (both young teen-agers) were living in Arcadia in Los Angeles 20-some years ago at the time. One evening we attended a football match (boring, boring, boring) between their school Arcadia High and Pasadena High. During the course of the match the girls disappeared with their friends ? other teenagers from the local Brit pack and school friends. Youngest daughter reappeared on the scene to say that daughter number one had been arrested with a friend?s teenage lad. Scrambled out of the school grounds after her to where the children were being held by a local policeman. Big lad, large gun, nice smile.

He was charging them with riding two on a bike on the roadway. This was a violation of a local traffic code. It transpired that although they were actually on the road they were just circling around talking to their friends and were not travelling in a forward direction. A plea for a warning to be given was refused. He was making an example of them as too many children were getting injured when riding bikes.

Ultimately a court date was received. Time to be in court was 9.30 a.m. The other mother, two children and I arrived at Arcadia Court House on the appointed day at 9.00 a.m. No record of the children was there. Great puzzlement all-round. Light dawned with the court official. It must be Pasadena Court we had to appear. Brief instructions on how to how to get there were given. I drove like the wind breaking every rule in the book (no lectures please). Arrived in underground car park with 5 minutes to spare. One parking space only was available which was on my left. Was just preparing to swing my rather fetching white Buick Riviera Cabriolet past and forward to reverse into said space when from the opposite direction appeared a very, very, superior car, dark blue, as I recall which was in a perfect position to be just slid into the vacant space thus thwarting my intentions.

I drove my car forward ever-so slightly thereby reducing the width of the space. Exited car, strolled over to driver of other car and said ?excuse me, there is just that one space available and I intend that I should park my car in it. Now, as far as I am concerned my car is just a dustbin from Detroit and I really don?t care if, when parking it, it gets damaged. Is that alright with you.? His response, after a few seconds considering his moves, said ?Why of course, ma?am, you take the space, I?ll find another?.

Parked my car, we all ran like hell to the courtroom, case was heard. Kids fined 11 and 7 dollars respectively. End of story.

?That was road rage? says my boozy friend.
?Couldn?t be, says I, I wasn?t on the road.?
?Well then, it was intimidation?
?Nah ? he was 280lbs minimum and I was 8stone two and tuppence. I couldn?t hurt a fly.?
?Verbal abuse, then?.
?Never swore me a swore? I countered.
?Threatening behaviour?? she queried.
?Never raised my voice? sez I.
?Assault with a deadly weapon??
?I wasn?t even in the car?

Now, I know I was desperate to get into the court on time. I know that I couldn't/wouldn't do it again.

I know too that I must have been guilty of something. I now leave it up to all you people to decide just what it was that I was guilty of.
Re: Road rage - moi? - Andy
Aussie Shiraz - my favourite. Oh yes....
Re: Road rage - toi? - Fair Play

You are indeed guilty - of the heinous offence of being a *woman*.

The evidence:

"I think something called feminine wiles comes into play in situations like this and I must confess that I have won an awful lot more than I have lost."

"As I have previously stated I am but a simple maid of a shy and retiring nature. The odd thing is that my children have in the past referred to me as Attila (the Hun) and I just can't imagine why."

The source of the evidence: You (in a thread on "Parking Tickets" in mid March)

The sentence: To tell us more stories like the above - *please*!

Re: Road rage - toi? - Dave Y
You mean 'Attila the hen' surely?
Re: Road rage - moi? - Colin Standing
Yes, Fair Play has it about right - sexual harassment. Never fails with me - and I'm usually on the receiving end.
Keep flashing those eyelashes.
Best wishes Colin S