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Sorted! - Peter M
Over the past few months I?ve been posting various queries and requests to the Backroom in an attempt to keep my t(rusty) B Reg. 294k miles Pug. 305 estate on the road until I retire in four months time.(Hopefully to acquire an Accord)
It has recently developed faults such as cracked windscreen, loss of synchro on 1st. and 2nd. gear, broken speedo..etc. With the MOT looming I was getting worried. Then yesterday I went out to the car to find that someone had parked next to my car with an E Reg Pug. 305 GTX estate, 1.9 L 123k miles, with a ?For Sale? notice. The owner had put a card under my wiper asking if I would be interested in buying it - £250 ono or £350 ono with 9 months R.F.L. and MOT.( I?ve seen the car about the town for the past few years and noticed how well-kept it looked.)
I test drove it today, and have bought it for £325. with new tyres, new windscreen, stainless steel exhaust and fsh. No rust visible anywhere. It?s the same colour as my present car, so I won?t lose it in car parks!
So, a result! A ?new? car for the price of a new speedo. head and windscreen, and I?m a happy bunny.. Long live Bangernomics!

Re: Sorted! - Bono Estente

Looks like everyone wins here.
What an enterprising new approach by your seller to offloading a cherished car!

Re: Sorted! - Dog Breath
Fantastic - so have you binned the idea of the Accord?
Re: Sorted! - Peter M
Dear Dogbreath-
No, I'm still going to be looking for an Accord Aerodeck towards the end of the year, it just gives me a little less worry about breakdowns whilst I look. If I get the Accord my son(double-bass player)will probably take over the Pug.
I am quite looking forward to owning a car with power steering and electric windows..luxury!