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Yello Gatsos - Red
Can anyone tell me when all the cameras were/are going to be painted yellow?
They have just insalled some more on the A338 through Bournemouth and the new ones are GREY!!!
Re: Yello Gatsos - Brian
Someone torched our local one just before Christmas and it was repainted last week.
Grey again!
Maybe they are waiting for the new financial year to buy some yellow paint: Epping Forest District Council have run out of white paint, so can't replace the worn out lines at the sides of the A113 until April. In the meantime it's deadly at night!
Re: Yello Gatsos - Honest John
Thankfully the yellow peril high in the sky on the M25/M11 sliproad either didn't get me or overloaded the coppers on NIPPER duty. But be warned. This camera is not located where you would expect it to be and the sliproad is wide so even though you are approaching roadworks 40mph seems ridiculous.

Re: Yello Gatsos - Ian L
I was under the impression that the new GATSO rules (yellow paint job, signage restrictions, location) only apply to those few police regions that have been authorised to keep the proceeds of the speeding fines. PLease correct me if this is wrong.

Re: Yello Gatsos - Alwyn

Not sure enough to give a definitive answer but I know that North Wales are one of the hypothecation authorities and they have "made Gatso's more visible " by putting a dirty-orange coloured stripe across the back of them. It has made no difference at all to visibility as the colour is so dull.

Also the fact that one is hidden behind a railway bridge arch does not help. They are taking the Michael.
Re: Yello Gatsos - CM
As soon as they announced the new colour regulation, the one outside the Tate Museum (London) turned yellow. Since then I think that the old bill must have run out of paint as that's the only one I've ever seen.

It has been there for years as well so I don't think that it just new ones that are to be yellow.
Re: Yello Gatsos - Brian
Maybe we should help them out with a couple of bits of reflective tape, applied free of charge.
Re: Yello Gatsos - martin
I'll second that, shame if we palced the tape in the wrong place though?
One of the cameras on the M32 entering Bristol was also torched just resently, only thing is, they think they have the car who did it, just before the camera was smashed (block head).
Re: Yello Gatsos - Steve G
A303 roadworks near yeovilton has yellow cameras, first one i've seen though.
I like Brians idea , maybe accompanied by flashing lights and a siren ?
Re: Yello Gatsos - El Dingo (Martin)
I think that the tape idea is cool. Even wrongly applied, it would at least make the cameras more visible and therefore a better deterrent to speeding.

However, a word of caution... I remember as a student almost being arrested for writing with my finger in the dirt on a road sign. This wasn't in pre-Perestroika Russia either, but in High Wycombe. My mate wrote 'Manchesta' and I wrote 'Bradford'. The cop seriously threatened to take us in if we didn't wipe it off.

Re: Yello Gatsos - Rob Cook
I think its the same rule that applies to "tarts cards" in phone boxes, i.e. you musn't use a sticky tape. That's why bin bags over gatsos are a good idea, as you can't be prosecuted for vandalism.
Big cardboard boxes are better because the rain makes them too heavy to be blown off.
Re: Yello Gatsos - mybrainhurts
Yellow only required in the police areas that are allowed to keep part of the official mugging proceeds.

AND....only newly installed cameras........all their old ones can remain hidden.
Re: Yello Gatsos - Pete
Well Lincolnshire is keeping money from cameras and isn't spending any of it on painting them! Isn't spending any on trimming roadside greenery that caonceals cameras either! Mybrainhurts - where did you get the info about only new cameras having to be painted yellow? I am not saying you are wrong, just asking so that I can 'discuss' it with Lincs CC!
Re: Yello Gatsos - Draig Goch
<<<<< Also the fact that one is hidden behind a railway bridge arch does not help. They are taking the Michael. >>>>>

Let me guess - Greenfield near Holywell ?
Re: Yello Gatsos - Matt Kelly
Essex is a hypothecation area I think and the only yellow one I've seen is the one just round the corner from my house.
However this isn't a speeding GATSO it's a traffic light one and the yellow rear of it is only visible to the employees of BDO Stoy Hayward whose office overlooks the junction, due to the fact that it's on a bend. In order to get a straight on view for the camera it's positioned so you can't actually see the back of it from the road, just the side which is still grey.
Re: Yello Gatsos - Brian
My son got done by that one. And in my car!
Lousy bend isn't it, one of those double radius ones which tightens up and comes back on itself as you go into it. A typical piece of s**t road design.