Some time ago, a chap I know, (rich Specsavers optician), bought a new Honda NSX and then found he had to go to work an hour earlier.
Can anyone guess why?
Find some nice, clear roads and enjoy himself?
1: To enjoy it ?
2: To park it ?
3: To avoid fouling the plugs in heavy traffic (expect it in a Ferrari but not a honda
4: To pull some early birds (sick pun)
Find an alternative route to avoid bumper/sump destroying speedhumps?
You were close. See below
Knowing Alwyn, I'm going with being stopped by the police.
If not that, then finding a safe parking space.
Cynical today Mark? Not like you. Do you fink I am anti-rozzer?
The reason was that the front spoiler was so low, he could not get up the ramp in the multi-story car park so had a ensure a ground floor parking spot.
BTW he says he is stunned at the amount of money he is making with his franchise. "I am just waiting for the bubble to burst" sez he.
Of course when T J Hughes can sell reading glasses for £5 a pair and others charge £120, then it is not hard to see profitability.
There is of course the early warning of disease which can flow from an opthalmic check.
Sorry, it wasn't mean to be cynical.
Anyway, I claim half a brownie point for my second answer.
You can have two points.
Wanna cookbook?
The margin on spex frames is thousands of percent. You are asked to pay £50, £100, maybe £150 for a bit of bent wire or moulded plastic that cost 10p to make.
I have been told by someone who has worked in their offices that a well known chain in the High Street pays around 70p per frame wholesale.
Hard to believe? I have heard this from sooooooo many sources.
I travel a lot to india - you can buy a good pair of glasses + eye test by a proper optamologist for 50 quid
And an excellent cataract operation!
I thought it was going to be, to look for a good Supra.
The NSX was pretty useless at people carrying (daft phrase) but I suppose it was not meant for that.
We used to socialise ( Brotherhood) and he would often say, "Can you pick up some of my chums for me, I have no room"
I used to have a car full of singing Masons and he was just a duo.
Happy days
>>Wanna cookbook ?
Only if it comes with a recipe guaranteed to make a month old child sleep.
Gin, dear Mark, Gin!
(If it doesn't work on CV, drink it yourself - then the wailing will fall upon your deaf ears!)
Or take it out for a drive...
BTW, that is obviously a "one or 'tother" option!
Taking it out for a drive was the only way to get my son to sleep when he was a baby.
Not PC environmentally friendly now, but better than having me driving round like a zombie the next day from lack of sleep!
doesn't work.
stangely being pushed in her pushchair up my cobblestone drive does. God knows why, since she must get shaken to wotsit. But she likes it.